Press Release: City of Caldwell Statement on Chief Wyant and FBI Investigation
By Press Release • March 17, 2022The following Press Release was sent out by the city of Caldwell. Note: Press Releases sent out by city officials do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of those at the Idaho Dispatch.
CALDWELL- The City is aware of an ongoing FBI investigation involving certain officers in the Caldwell Police Department as well as the social media speculation concerning Police Chief Wyant’s connection to that investigation. Chief Wyant is not a subject in the FBI investigation. Nor is he a subject in any police, Human Resources or other internal investigation by the City. No disciplinary action against Chief Wyant is being considered by the City. His status with the City is that of an employee in good standing.
Tags: Caldwell, Frank Wyant, Jarom Wagoner
3 thoughts on “Press Release: City of Caldwell Statement on Chief Wyant and FBI Investigation”
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There is good in this if Chief Wyant and his sidekick CAPTIAN RILEY are gone from the department but i believe there should have been some type of discipline for wasting are tax payer dollars on the rehiring of certain officers and the forcing out of the department good officers who didnt comply with there the crap they were doing. (AKA GOOD OLE BOY GANG)…
January 2017: Matthews was awarded the rank of Sergeant.
June 2017: Matthews resigned after two DUI charges, one of them listed as “excessive.”
January 2019: New position of Community Outreach Coordinator created, and Matthews picked for the job.
July 2020: Matthews moved back onto the police force, and the COC position was dissolved.
June 2021: Matthews obtains his Sergeant stripe ….
(Matthews was ultimately Chosen for the COC position by CHIEF WYANT. For the next year and a half, Matthews held the position of COC before he resumed his role as a sworn police officer for the city of Caldwell )
Once Matthews resumed his role as a police officer, the position of Community Outreach Coordinator was dissolved and the duties were divided up among sworn officers.
Approximately eleven months after Matthews returned to the police force, he received his sergeant stripes back.
HMM, what you think?
Hoadley Bendawald Mathews under investigation. Hoadley punch person in handcufs Bendawald for tons of things illegal Mathews was hooking up with 1 of his subordinates when he was arrested for DUI now they together and they lied about it. Mathews hooked up with a former female employee and got caught by her husband and female employee was let go not Mathews. Bendawald was sleeping with informants, did lots of shady things. Hoadley also did shady things and the canyon prosecutors helped him. Hoadley treated many people Iike the enemy
Be some be B.S if Nampa Police Department go off the hook on the FEDS Investigation (The 2C Nampa/Caldwell they like twins)