Idaho Dispatch

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Press Release: Chantyrose Davison for Governor of Idaho

By • March 18, 2022

The following Press Release was sent out by Chantyrose Davison, a gubernatorial candidate for the Constitution Party of Idaho. Note: Press Releases do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of those at the Idaho Dispatch.

For Immediate Release – March 19, 2022

Chantyrose Davison of Marsing will be running as a Constitution Party candidate for Governor of Idaho. Davison says she wishes to “unite Idahoans in our common goal of taking care of our children and helping to strengthen the family bond we have as a state.”

Davison will be listed on the Constitution Party Primary Ballot on May 17th.  Davison has spent her life supporting, donating, and promoting for youth in and around her community. Davison has helped with fundraising for her community in which she is a part of and participates in the Marsing Beautification Project. Davison works as an In Home Health Care worker. Davison says that her parents Robert Kiester of Marsing and Merrillee Berg of Marsing have both been a huge influence for her to be true to herself as well as doing what she can to help others. “I believe that a Governor should care about the people in the state not just the paycheck and I don’t know anyone else who cares about the people as much as I do so I figured why not at least try?” Davison has not been asking for donations or sponsors because she feels “it’s something I believe in and want to do my part to help others. Taking money when everyone is struggling right now would not be helping me to do that.”

If you would like to vote for Chantyrose Davison as Governor of Idaho in the Primary Election on May 17th you would need to be registered with the Constitution Party.

If you are Unaffiliated you can inform the poll worker on the day of the election that you wish to affiliate with CP.

If you have not yet registered to vote you can do so anytime up to and on the day of the election. Just remember you need to be affiliated with the party of the candidate you wish to support.

During the General election on Nov. 8th any person no matter your affiliation, can vote for any candidate you choose.

You can contact and learn more by visiting Davison’s website at

Thank you,
Chantyrose Davison for Governor of Idaho

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Tags: Chantyrose Davison, Constitution Party of Idaho, Governor, Marsing