Press Release: Bundy Gathers More Than Needed Signatures for Ballot Access in November
By Press Release • March 7, 2022The following Press Release was sent out by Ammon Bundy, an Independent candidate for Governor. Note: Press Releases sent out by candidates do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of those at the Idaho Dispatch.
Just days ago Ammon Bundy announced that he would not be entering the Republican primary but instead will run independent for Governor of Idaho. His goal is to unite Idahoans of all parties (if any) and cut off the establishment control that is destroying Idaho as we know it. We have full confidence that this goal can be obtained! In a short period of time we have gathered more than enough signatures needed to meet the requirement administered by the Idaho Secretary of State to run in the general election.
Therefore, we are pleased to officially announce that Ammon Bundy will be your choice for liberty as Governor on the ballot in November! Through the petition process, thousands of Idahoans have voiced their support for Ammon Bundy as Governor. As an independent candidate for Governor, Ammon Bundy will put forth the conservative Republican platform that the republican establishment in Idaho refuses to implement.
We are very grateful for the efforts of hundreds of Idahoans who chose on their own to gather signatures by the thousands. We are constantly amazed by your support!
Thank you,
Bundy for Governor Team
Tags: Ammon Bundy, Governor, Idaho Dispatch, Independent
6 thoughts on “Press Release: Bundy Gathers More Than Needed Signatures for Ballot Access in November”
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Congratulations to Ammon Bundy, this is healthy for the State of Idaho.
Now Janice McGeachin and Ed Humphries can step up to prove who is worthy of the primary vote.
Most hope that Little, The Executive Order Boy, does not file to run again, yet if this Marrionette does prevail, Ammon will be there for win in the General Election Vote.
Finally there is a good chance to take down Idaho’s Liberal Dynasty.
Thanks Ammon Bundy, well played.
I signed the petition for Bundy to run, though I won’t necessarily be voting for him in the primary.
Why did I sign? Because Bundy running as an independent allows him–now that he has the requisite # of signatures–to bypass the primary and go directly to the November general elections. And THAT is good news for voters: should Little declare a re-election bid, he is now assured to have a challenger that doesn’t have a (D) behind their name.
The danger, of course, is that Republicans and conservatives will now split their vote between the Republican candidate who wins the Republican primary in May and Ammon Bundy. If the split is drastic enough and enough brain dead democrat voters show up and vote (D), a governor could be elected with <50% of the vote. (Question: If no candidate for governor receives 50% +1 votes, does ID have a law that kicks in for a run-off election between the two candidates with the highest # of votes? Or is it simply the candidate with the highest number of votes is elected? I would prefer a run-off so the winner has a mandate from the majority of voters to govern.)
Idaho needs a big change or we will soon be like CA, OR and WA.
Ah yes – known commonly by now, and forever as the COW…
Bundy is the only candidate that has flat out said “Stop abortion and get rid of property taxes”. Some may argue for abortion from some insanely misinformed, globalist, population control point of view but killing babies will never be right and should not happen in a conservative state. Property taxes basically means that you never truly own your property. You can’t pass wealth or land over to your children without the govenrment getting there cut. Keep the grocery tax that taxes even those who aren’t working across the board. Property taxes are a lifetime mortgage and should not be. LETS GO AMMON.