Press Release: Boise Police Department Statement Regarding Activities of Former BPD Captain
By Press Release • November 21, 2022The following press release was sent out by the City of Boise, Boise Police Department. Press releases do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of those at the Idaho Dispatch.
In light of recent revelations concerning a former member of BPD Command Staff, the Boise Police Department unequivocally states there is no room for racist ideologies, hatred, bigotry, or behaviors among members of the Boise Police Department, and we publicly condemn such in the strongest possible terms.
We find the actions and words of former BPD Captain Bryngelson relating to persons of color in our department and in our community to be offensive and troubling. We have communicated internally to all members of this agency in any capacity, that if anyone shares these types of thoughts, feelings, values, or ideologies – this department, and this line of work, is not for them. As a department, we commit to taking swift action with anyone who may harbor similar sentiments.
To be associated with an organization such as the “American Renaissance,” is unconscionable for a member of this agency. We must unitedly stand against hate and resist discrimination of any kind.
As a city and a community, we will address this. We share the concerns of Mayor McLean and the Boise City Council and will welcome and fully cooperate with an independent investigation to begin rebuilding a trusting relationship with each other and the public. We know that it will take the efforts of every one of us to gain the trust lost through these actions by a former member of our department.
Tags: Boise City Council, Boise Mayor, Boise Police Department, BPD, City of Boise, Discrimination, Racism
31 thoughts on “Press Release: Boise Police Department Statement Regarding Activities of Former BPD Captain”
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So I guess freedom of association is another one of our rights that we’ve lost.
Sounds like it. At least in the opinion of BPD’s talking head.
Jesus Christ, the thrill of hope, for a sick, hurting and weary world—Romans 10:9-10 from the Bible: “That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart man believes to righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made to salvation.” To learn of God’s personal love for you, please click here: https://vallee7.wordpress.com/category/paradise/
Are my Idaho tax dollars being spent on this? Are Idaho tax payers funding McLean’s and City of Boise’s tyrannical overeach? Facepalm!
Your politicians and government employees are a crime gang and the brilliant Iduhoans just reelected most of them.
Screw you !
I hate to agree with you but this has been the topic of many discussions since the elections but now it’s too late!!
Is it because we know we already have mess ups in office and at least we can predict what they may do and anyone new is taking a big chance? I feel that since we are going have the same crap…we know for sure ten it’s time to look at NEW crap…in so many years either way we have a chance to change again!! Wake up people!!
McLean is a full blown communist right out of Kali4nia’s land of fruit and nuts.
Impeach her ass!
BPD Beware: You are being strong-armed by the communist Mclean regime. While we need to know the truth, the politicalization by a bad Mayor is not the place to start.
Idaho 7, how about getting a recall ballot for McLean….this commie that she is!
“The 24-year veteran of the Boise Police Department appears to have authored posts linking Black people, Hispanic people and refugees to crime under a pseudonym while serving as the captain of the patrol division.”
No way. I guess the FBI Uniform Crime Reports are also racist.
To be clear, maybe he is some racist jerk, but the accusation of “racist” is trotted out for merely being to the right of Karl Marx now. It means absolutely nothing except the accuser is a virtue-signaling statist.
I’m curious if there will additionally be an investigation into Mayor McLean’s support of Black lives Matter? Or of any BPD employees who may support BLM?
I was unaware of American Renaissance before this came to light. Visiting their site, whether they are “racist” or not, the language there is certainly not inciteful. You can’t say the same for BLM, who uses confrontational, hateful and inciteful language regarding their cause.
There is a double standard. The Jacobin Democrats get to practice inequality and bigotry while accusing everyone else of it.
If removing someone is based on attending one event is the new standard , then all who are part of the Democrat party should be removed as this is the party that supported the KKK, slavery, and Jim Crow. Republicans stopped slavery, marched with Martin Luther King Jr and passed the civil rights acts of the late 1960’s
Guess I should look them up…I am not familiar with Boise (Ada) County politics other than what I know is bad for Idaho and that is any Demo crate and fast becoming the issues with the Republicans!!
I think Trump made a big mistake not taking a chance on creating another party…most of us that have ethics in life a fed up with both parties as they continue to bolster themselves and what can be gleaned off the public. I think we need to stop the rape of this country!!
Put your focus on something relevant.
Children are being groomed in Boise and across this country.
Stop it.
Yes, amen! We must protect children and also our freedom of speech. Jesus Christ, the thrill of hope, for a sick, hurting and weary world—Romans 10:9-10 from the Bible: “That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart man believes to righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made to salvation.” To learn of God’s personal love for you, please click here: https://vallee7.wordpress.com/category/paradise/
Moms for Liberty is a movement against this with some success. The web site PA-WA.com also is a great source of info. It’s local.
Laura Loomer is Jewish and participated in this event. Organization are only racists if they don’t fit their ideology, which the ADL and SPLC are leftists organizations.
ACLU?SPLC are as corrupt as DC, the EPH PEE EYE, and the CIA……all of which should be DEFUNDED….
The so called mayor of Boysee is nothing more than a commie spy for the left!
You are correct…it’s sickening and furthering more prejudice for anyone not white…stop it…we don’t need it. There will always be prejudice but we don’t need to encourage more especially when it isn’t justified.
Let’s investigate BLM and There right arm Antifa. Let’s investigate groomers of Boise, let’s investigate the mayor for dark money being funneled in from Bloomberg to shut down our gun rights, let’s investigate any places in Boise (like dipshit mayor that ran as conservative during elections) that mandated the Covid vaccine and now studies come out that as of recent 58% of Covid deaths are the do what your told vaccinated. . And one more thing. So tired of their whiny crybaby he said she said, just shut up and toughen up. Same goes for you Boise police as much as I love you , your statement was a (hey guys I’m bending over and doing what I’m told, I submit, we’re all bad bad boys and deserve worms in our dog bones) give me a damn break. I’m so tired of people folding over to cry as loud as they can that they aren’t racist. What a joke !
Wokeness is taking over Idaho like a cancer.
I’m sure there will be a forthcoming “Op-Ed” by Chuck “Commie” Mallory detailing how wonderful Boise’s Mayor is for acting in march-step with the political objectives of groups like the far-left, radical “Southern Poverty Law Center”. Look forward to that.
Keep in mind, this investigation ISNT so much about what a retired Officer’s beliefs are – it’s about ensuring there is a deep ideological “cleansing” of Boise PD. Only those who stand rigidly obsequious to the Mayors political religion will be allowed to remain.
I agree, especially about up chucky mallory….what a punk ass.
Firstly he was retired, secondly he did nothing illegal, lastly there has been no outcry or similar investigation of officers “taking the knee”. I don’t see how we can continue to coexist with these people.
Someone, Quick! Call the dawn Wambulance! McLean’s vag is bothering her again!
You know what? I couldn’t give a rat’s a$$ if this guy is an actual racist, and when I hear the word racist, I don’t think it means what anyone says it means anymore. Either way, I don’t care. And I have a good feeling most Idahoans don’t care either. In fact, I don’t want to hear about it. McLean needs to mind her own business about what citizens do on their own time.
But strangely no official news release about a certain former police chief and how he nearly killed a fellow officer demonstrating an illegal choke hold which was completely against ALL regulations!
Me thinks our mayor is trying to avoid the proverbial elephant in the room…
Some more lefty bulshit from Mayor McCommie. Where is the proof?