Press Release: Baby Cyrus Kidnapped (PR Relates to Ammon Bundy Arrest)
By Press Release • March 12, 2022The following Press Release was put out by Diego Rodriguez of the Freedom Man PAC. The PR relates to the arrest of Ammon Bundy who was arrested earlier this morning at a hospital in Meridian. Rodriguez and Bundy are close friends. Note: Press Releases sent out by organizations do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of those at the Idaho Dispatch. Nor does the Idaho Dispatch take a stance on any alleged crime against any particular individual or agency. Any allegations of a crime are the claims made by the individual who submitted the Press Release.
Make no mistake about it—this is not an extreme claim or emotional over-reaction—Baby Cyrus was kidnapped. This is happening more and more in America as unfettered social workers, in conjunction with arrogant and overreaching police officers forcefully steal children from their parents.
My daughter and son-in-law are wonderful, Christian, God fearing parents who have dedicated their life to loving and nurturing Baby Cyrus:

Baby Cyrus was sick last week and vomiting so my daughter took him to St. Luke’s Pediatric Center where after receiving terrible treatment, they were released after about a week, with Baby Cyrus having a clean bill of health, after undergoing every exam, test, and review imaginable. We were all thankful and relieved to see Cyrus home and healthy.
Marissa and Levi continued to take Cyrus to a local Pediatrician, Dr. Aaron Dykstra of Functional Medicine of Idaho for additional review and weigh-ins. All was well and good, however Cyrus did have a day where he vomited again after trying goat’s milk powder—which was suggested to help add calories to his food intake. Apparently, Cyrus has an issue where his body cannot fully digest proteins yet, so he has to stick to breastmilk still because he is not quite ready for solid food.
After Marissa woke up not feeling well in her stomach yesterday morning (Friday the 11th), she decided to call the Pediatrician’s office to let them know she would not come in that day. That was it. That should have been that. But instead, Dr. Aaron Dykstra called CPS and reported “child endangerment,” and had CPS contact Marissa via text message.
Shortly thereafter, two police officers came to their address, asking for Baby Cyrus—but Marissa, Levi, and Cyrus were not there. So they put out a BOLO “Be on the Lookout” for Levi’s truck. And last night, Levi, Marissa, and Cyrus, along with the rest of my family, were over at a friend’s house enjoying dinner. We all left together in 2 separate cars and were followed by a Garden City police officer to a nearby gas station.
The police officer detained them and then called for backup. Within minutes, multiple officers arrived. The Meridian detectives then arrived along with well over a dozen officers and squad cars. They acted like they were arresting Al Capone. The officers violated multiple rights, did not follow the constitution or other laws and statutes and arrested both of my daughters, handcuffed Levi, and then forcefully stripped Baby Cyrus away from his crying mother (my daughter), for alleged “child endangerment” because they canceled a pediatric appointment and the doctor called CPS claiming that Cyrus was “underweight.” Marissa was smart enough to Facebook Livestream the whole ordeal because they took her into the Ambulance to rip Cyrus out of her arms so it was out of public view.
That’s it. That’s the sum total of the ENTIRE STORY. An appointment was canceled. My grandson is “underweight.” And that was enough for an overzealous Pediatrician, a control-freak social worker, and scores of tyrannical police officers to violently rip my grandson away from his loving parents under the guise of a “medical emergency.”
Only God knows what they are doing to Baby Cyrus. They can abuse him and harm him in irreparable ways. They have no right to take Baby Cyrus away! This is wickedness! If they did it to us, they can do it to anybody. They no longer need “just cause.” They just do whatever they want, becuase NOBODY CARES, NOBODY RESPONDS, NOBODY PAYS ATTENTION, NOBODY DEMANDS JUSTICE!
Please don’t let this happen to Baby Cyrus!!!
We absolutely covet your prayers and ask you to surround Cyrus with your prayers. Additionally, we are humbly, before God, asking for you to help. If you’ve ever felt like, “what can I do?” then now is your chance! We ask that you do the following three things:
1. Please call St. Luke’s Hospital in Boise at (208) 706-5437 and demand that they let Cyrus’s parents take custody of Cyrus or at least be present with him.
2. Please post this link along with the attached image to your social media and contact everyone you know to share this story. Use #SaveBabyCyrus
3. Please show up to St. Luke’s Hospital in Boise at 190 E Bannock St, Boise, ID 83712 TODAY, Saturday March 12th, @ 12:00 noon to protest with us and pressure St. Luke’s to reconnect the Anderson family!
With humility and gratitude,
Diego Rodriguez
Freedom Man PAC
Tags: Aaron Dykstra, Ammon Bundy, Cyrus, Diego Rodriguez, Functional Medicine of Idaho, Marissa, Meridian Police Department
6 thoughts on “Press Release: Baby Cyrus Kidnapped (PR Relates to Ammon Bundy Arrest)”
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As evidenced in Canada, the Police are captured by their overlords, Liberty and Freedom condemned by the need to protect their pensions. There’s always a ‘few’ good cops but most will sell out, they should be considered hostile agents on every front.
Would also add, that the greater danger here is the weaponization of the Medical Industry, obviously starting with Covid creating a police state of its own. Avoid these ‘hospitals’ at all cost if you can.
I gree with your comment to a point. Instead of saying “there are a few good cops”, you should have said “there are a few bad cops”. I know several police officers and retired officers. They are all good people. Don’t judge all by a few.
Praying for this family and hopefully the police, cps, and St Luke’s will come to their senses.
I just called Governor Little’s office asking what Governor Little was doing to get baby Cyrus back with his mom. The receptionist was silent for a moment and then said he was aware of the situation and that he is working within due process. I questioned this and said he needed to do something immediately. She questioned my position and argued with me about the facts of the case, saying that I have been misinformed by all the political grandstanding. So I asked her for the actual facts, and she said that she could not give them to me because it is under investigation. She said that there are things I don’t know that led the state to take the appropriate action. I asked her what they were, and she said she couldn’t tell me but said that if a baby is extremely malnourished it is justifiable. And implied that this was the case. I disagreed with her and still questioned the “due process” if they have made a mistake in taking this baby. And I questioned Idaho due process regarding these situations because we had a situation in which we were involved with CPS regarding a mom on meth nursing her infant, and CPS said they could not take the baby away from her unless they saw her taking meth with the baby present. I compared this case to the current one–there is no comparison. How come CPS could take this child so easily? Where is due process for the parents? I’ll admit I was upset talking to this woman who was clearly antagonistic about the situation and its politicization. She defended the State’s actions and told me to trust the process! Hah! Her final words were “we appreciate your call. You need to be more informed.” And she hung up on me. If there is more to this story that Diego and Ammon are not telling the public, they need to get it out there so that the State cannot dismiss us by telling us “you don’t know the whole story so you don’t really understand.” Is there more to this story? She asked “How do you know that the mom has not been with the baby?” I told her his grandfather said she had only 2 hours with him, and he wouldn’t lie. And she scoffed at me about this being political tactics. I don’t trust the process, the doctors, nor the people in power, but I want to trust Diego. Is he actually telling us everything????????? We are all having a hard time understanding why the State would do this, and it is even more perplexing that they would risk this bad look in an election year.