Press Release: Ammon BUNDY Arrested by Meridian Police for Trespassing
By Press Release • March 13, 2022The following Press Release was sent out by the Meridian Police Department. Note: Press Releases sent out by government agencies do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of those at the Idaho Dispatch.
On Friday March 11, 2022, Meridian Police received a Health and Welfare referral reference a ten (10) month old child.
Police were informed the child had been admitted to the hospital on Tuesday March 1, 2022 after medical personnel determined the child was suffering from severe malnourishment. While under medical care the child was able to gain enough weight and child was discharged in the care of its parents on Friday March 4, 2022.
During a follow up appointment earlier, this week it was determined the child had again lost a significant amount of weight and when the parents canceled the next follow-up appointment and could not be located, the Meridian Police were contacted and advised this child’s condition could lead to severe injury or even death if not treated.
Health and Welfare was able to contact the child’s father, who agreed to bring the child in for an examination, but then failed to show up.
Officers attempted to contact the parents and check on the child at a residence in Meridian, but the occupants were uncooperative and refused to let officers check on the child’s welfare.
Meridian Police then received a warrant to enter the home, but discovered the parents and the child had left, before officers could check on the child. Garden City Police then located a vehicle driven by the father of the child and they conducted a traffic stop. The Meridian Police took the child into custody in the 3700 block of Chinden Blvd., Garden City, Idaho and the child was taken to St. Luke’s Meridian for medical care.
Ammon BUNDY and several of his followers showed up to St. Luke’s Meridian and refused to leave the property when asked to do so. After several attempts to get BUNDY to leave the property and his continual refusal to do so, the Meridian Police Department arrested BUNDY for trespassing. Also arrested with BUNDY was sixty-nine (69) year old Wendy Kay WHITAKER, who attempted to interfere in BUNDY’s arrest and also refused to leave St. Luke’s property.
Twenty-three (23) year old Miranda CHAVOYA and twenty-one (21) year old Marissa ANDERSON were arrested for Resisting or Obstructing at the scene of the traffic stop and booked into the Ada County Jail for one (1) count each of misdemeanor Resisting or Obstructing Officers.
BUNDY was booked into the Ada County Jail on one (1) county of misdemeanor Trespassing and WHITAKER was booked into the Ada County Jail on one (1) count of misdemeanor Resisting or Obstructing Officers; and one (1) count misdemeanor Trespassing.
Tags: Ammon Bundy, Garden City Police, Marissa Anderson, Meridian Police Department, Miranda Chavoya, Whitaker
6 thoughts on “Press Release: Ammon BUNDY Arrested by Meridian Police for Trespassing”
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Unlawful arrests and unwarranted kidnapping of baby is the crime by cps and Meridian police. Under Gov. Little’s emergency order, parents constitutional rights have been waived and that is the issue here in Idaho. Dont be fooled by police doubletalk.
Agreed, so strange how the facts change according to whom is speaking. The police lied to the mother by saying she could go to the hospital with the ambulance, and then arrested her. A nursing child needs to be with his mother. Losing 30 grams doesn’t indicate dire straits. I am wondering about political implications and what games are being played with this family. This can not happen in Idaho!!!!
Read and view for yourselves exactly what happened, not police reports.
Call St. Lukes Hospital 208-706-5437, ask for Patient Relations and then leave a message of your choosing.
Thanks for your service and your time.
There is a very grievous atrocity that has taken place in Meridian Idaho. The sad part is that it’s an ongoing travesty. A baby should never be taken from her mother. Even in an abuse case the mother should be with the child. We need legislation to protect the parents and the child. It is a very rare situation where a child should be taken from their parents. Even in this situation it must be done by due process and must have solid evidence to the facts, not suspicion of Police, Doctors, health practitioners, schools or anyone else. In this country we have due process. There is no Doctor, or any other health practitioner that should have the authority to take a child from their parents with the force of law. This is not a delegated responsibility of the Idaho State Government.
Absolutely correct. This is atrocious government overreach. Also think this is political payback for the grandfather, Ammon Bundy. Hope this is all over the internet and that the people will stand up and protest!!!!
I am disappointed in this news source. And to think that I have been promoting Idaho Dispatch. This is written like mainstream media.