Idaho Dispatch

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Op-Ed: Broken Promises: The VA is Failing Idaho’s Heroes

By • July 18, 2024

The following Op-Ed is from U.S. Sen. Jim Risch (R). Op-Eds do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of those at the Idaho Dispatch.

“America’s veterans were willing to give up everything to protect the freedoms we all enjoy, yet they are now seeing promises broken and blatant hypocrisy from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

Across the country, there are state veterans projects in the works to provide health and housing. Projects of this scale take years to gain approval, secure contracts, start and finish construction, and finally provide for veterans. This extended process often means legislative and regulatory changes occur throughout a project’s lifespan.

The Build America, Buy America Act (BABAA) is an example. This law, which was enacted in 2022, requires federal building projects to use materials made in the U.S. BABAA has some good provisions—it creates jobs in America and supports domestic businesses and industries. It even includes a waiver process because materials sometimes must be sourced from elsewhere.

There are several ongoing projects that predate this legislation, including more than a dozen veterans’ health and housing facilities in states like Idaho, New York, Maryland, and more. Initially, the VA indicated that Secretary Denis McDonough would grant waivers for many of these projects since it is impossible for them to restart their processes and fully comply with these new sourcing requirements. However, after granting only two waivers, the VA changed course and has ceased to grant any more. The result: projects grinding to a halt. Some, such as the one in Boise, Idaho, have lost funding and others have stalled in case their projects will also be forced to wait endlessly for waivers promised but never delivered.

Secretary McDonough and other VA leadership are very aware of this issue. They have acknowledged it, but continue to refuse to grant these waivers – blocking projects that provide for the brave men and women who were willing to sacrifice everything for our nation.

If the VA was simply abiding by BABAA because it believed it was the only law of the land, it would be frustrating but understandable. That is far from the case though. The VA itself is seeking similar Buy America waivers for its own facilities while it blocks waivers for state veterans facilities. It is the definition of hypocrisy.

America’s veterans deserve far better than this, but if the department refuses to grant waivers, Congress can force them.

With my legislation, the Waiving Arbitrary and Inconsistent Veteran home Eligibility Requirements (WAIVER) Act, the secretary of the VA would have no choice but to award waivers for veterans’ health and housing facilities granted permission to proceed with their projects prior to BABAA enactment.

The WAIVER Act is legislative fix for a situation that was created and worsened by the secretary’s actions. But it will ensure projects from coast-to-coast can move forward, and it will enable facilities in Idaho, specifically Boise, Pocatello, and Lewiston, to get back on track.

The choice is clear: Congress passes the WAIVER Act or the department gets their act together. America’s veterans cannot be caught in the VA’s error any longer.


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Tags: Jim Risch, VA, Veterans, Veterans Affairs

4 thoughts on “Op-Ed: Broken Promises: The VA is Failing Idaho’s Heroes

  1. The Obama-Bidens have never been friends with our military or the VA. Mr. Trump in privatizing access to clinical services opened up access to VA facilities and care.

    At a time when illegal immigrants are transported across and over State lines and then housed in luxury hotels, our Vets cannot get access to basic medical services. More than a few are homeless and are fighting addiction and PTSD.

    We are lucky in Boise to have one of the best VA hospitals in the country that is staffed with fantastic doctors, nurses and technicians. This is not the norm and unless we go back to Trump era policies it will not be the same in years to come.

    Thank you Senator Risch for taking a stand on this very important issue.


  2. Our disabled Veterans are living on below poverty pensions. The last 3 years true inflation has been at 18 to 30% and they are only receiving 2% increases in COL raises while janitors on Ukraine are getting pensions paid for by the US taxpayers.
    Illegals are housed in high end hotels with $3000 a month debit cards, free phones, food, education and medical.
    A disabled Vet gets an extra $200 a month to support their wife, who, if they are willing to stick by their man are working 24/7 to care for them.
    Camp Lejeune toxic water cancer victims still have not been paid one dime and the cases are being made more complicated by the courts. The courts are even defying and changing the legislation created to compensate them.
    The sad truth is, no one in DC cares or is even fighting for our Veterans as hard as they fight for the criminals crossing our borders. They never will. Maybe we would reduce Veteran’s suicide rates, if they could afford to feed their families but hey, lets just keep “acting” like we are trying to figure out how to stop it. Let’s do another muti-million dollar study…

  3. No Risch. It is you, Crapo and Simpson who have failed Idaho. The VA has done nothing but good for me. I had several hospital stays over the last few months while they tried to figure out an internal bleed. The VA has stepped up and saved my bacon and savings the entire way through this. You on the other hand have been a career deep state politician since you were 27 years old. Again, its you and deep state rinos that have failed not just Idaho but the nation. Not to mention that you’re not even a vet. Do Idaho a favor and take your old 81 year old rino butt back to WI where you belong.

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