Op-Ed: Biden and Gun Control
By Art Da Rosa • June 25, 2021The Daily Wire reported on June 23, 2021, that President Biden held a press conference about soaring crime rates. In his remarks, Biden decided to address Americans who buy firearms to defend against a tyrannical government, saying they would need to own, “F-15’s and maybe some nuclear weapons” to go up against the federal government.
The message is clear. President Biden is threatening us, the citizens of the United States, with draconian actions if we do not obey.
While blaming crime rates on law-abiding citizens is a misplaced idea, I would like to share with all Idahoans that the United States of America is a Republic, not a Democracy. This means that our nation is governed by representation and the rule of law.
Representation means that we elect people to stand in our stead to express our collective views as laws are developed. Idahoans have two senators and two representatives on the federal level. We also have one senator and two representatives from each district in the Idaho legislature.
Rule of law means that we have the Constitution, the highest law of the land, that establishes and limits the government, including, and especially, the federal government.
Mr. Biden, I am merely a citizen who loves our nation and am trying to live my life. As the Constitution says, I am in, “pursuit of happiness.” I have the right to self-defense, to protect myself, and to protect my family. I am not the cause of soaring crime. But, if draconian and unconstitutional acts are forced upon me, including those that violate my Second Amendment right, I will do what I can. I will appeal to those that I elected, and I will make that appeal in accordance with the supreme law of the land.
Art da Rosa, PE, MPA
Tags: Art Da Rosa, Daily Wire, Gun Control, Joe Biden
6 thoughts on “Op-Ed: Biden and Gun Control”
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The Babylon Bee has a new article headlining civilians are now purchasing F-15’s for protection, with a thanks to Biden for the Heads Up.
When we elect a conservative, constitutional Governor in the next go round, maybe Idaho can then join the various other states in denying the federal government their overreaches.
1775 – Patrick Henry: “Give me Liberty or Give me Death” comes to mind.
Also we should remind His Fraudulency that asymmetric war can be a long, messy business.
The Babylon Bee has a new article headlining civilians are now purchasing F-15’s for protection, with a thanks to Biden for the Heads Up.
When we elect a conservative, constitutional Governor in the next go round, maybe Idaho can then join the various other states in denying the federal government their overreaches.
“But, if draconian and unconstitutional acts are forced upon me, including those that violate my Second Amendment right, I will do what I can. I will appeal to those that I elected, and I will make that appeal in accordance with the supreme law of the land.”— Truly pathetic end to the article.
You could have kept that to yourself, and simply chosen to read something else in the future. Your unhelpful, miserable negativity was completely pointless. Where you could have added to the discussion, you subtracted. “Quartermain”…. what can we do to convince you to be more of a faucet and less of a drain in the future?
If you want to know the story of the lefts rise to power, take a look at “America: Imagine the world without her” by Dinesh D’Souza. It informs you of the background and names that have influenced the liberal agenda. Very eye-opening! Some of the names mentioned I thought were good people, now I know better,