Op-Ed: A Tale of Two Mayors: Kling and McLean
By Michael Fisch • April 15, 2021“It was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.”
– Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities
Spring is here and the weather is warming. COVID-19 cases have fallen significantly and it seems we are in a reprieve. Now is a good time to reflect on the last year of pandemic. In this case, we will compare the pandemic responses of Boise Mayor Lauren McLean with Nampa Mayor Debbie Kling.
McLean and Kling are mayors of cities in Idaho’s Treasure Valley that lie only 24 miles apart. Boise is the largest city in Idaho and Nampa is the third largest. As similar as they are, their pandemic responses were miles apart.
Mayor Kling’s approach to COVID health orders emphasized freedom and personal responsibility. Early on she recognized the public was divided about health orders like mask mandates and closing non-essential businesses. Being heavy-handed might infringe civil liberties and create a revolt. Instead of issuing mandates, she strongly urged residents to follow health orders like social distancing and staying home to slow disease spread. “Not because someone is making you, but because someone is asking you. I’m asking you on behalf of those who can’t,” Kling stated.
When a few “non-essential” businesses agitated to open ahead of the Governor Little’s schedule, Kling and the Nampa city council decided to prioritize education and enforcement of orders for the safe operation of businesses instead of punishing businesses for opening early. In my opinion, this showed humility and wisdom. After all, who is City Hall to tell a person he cannot open his business to provide for himself and family? Should they suffer in want? There are also many studies linking joblessness with early mortality. The stress of unemployment and financial problems impact long-term health and shorten lives. Are these business restrictions in a pandemic really saving lives, or just trading lives? What about our Constitutionally protected civil rights? These issues are not black and white, but shades of gray, and call for a thoughtful approach that considers all sides.
In contrast, Mayor McLean’s approach was dictatorial and uncompromising. The only thing that mattered was CORONAVIRUS. She declared an emergency, issued public health orders and threatened violators with fines, imprisonment or both. The orders mandated social distancing, mask wearing, hand washing, quarantines, limits on gathering sizes, and business closures and restrictions. Local businesses were turned into COVID enforcement agents by threatening them with fines and license revocation if they did not enforce regulations on employees and customers. Boise set up a phone hotline and encouraged the public to report businesses not complying with health orders. Many felt this was reminiscent of the citizen informants used by the Soviet Union and communist China to root out citizens subversive to the Party. Someone enlisted a robocall system to flood the hotline with calls. Sadly, Idaho Governor Brad Little provided political cover for the city’s snitch hotline by comparing it with reporting drunk drivers on the highway – as if questioning the “science” behind wearing cloth masks was equivalent to getting drunk and killing people with a vehicle.
In December 2020, a group of 400 to 500 men, women and children gathered at the Central District Health building in Boise to protest additional COVID mandates. The board of health was to vote on a mandate for more business restrictions and a ban on gatherings of more than 10 people. The protest was peaceful. People carried signs and gave speeches. However, one woman was detained for trying to enter the meeting. Some rogue protesters also went to two members’ houses and demonstrated, thinking they were attending the meeting virtually. McLean canceled the meeting and called the protesters a disruptive “mob” threatening “violence,” which was a gross mischaracterization. McLean clearly was not comfortable with “the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” (See the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights.”
The meeting was rescheduled for a couple weeks later. Hundreds of protesters showed up again at Central District Health. Mayor McLean and Governor Little had dispatched about 40 Boise Police Department and Idaho State Patrol officers to guard the building, including a sniper team on a nearby rooftop and a surveillance drone buzzing overhead. Unintimidated by this ridiculous show of force, the people still held signs, said prayers and chanted. The board of heath voted against the new mandates, and everybody went home.
It seems Nampa’s Mayor Kling was right: Heavy-handed restriction of people’s civil liberties will provoke a backlash, especially when basic human needs like the ability to work and gather and interact with other human beings is at stake.
All of this over a virus that 99.74% of people who are not in a nursing home will survive.
After a year of pandemic, what are the results? Did laissez-faire Nampa become a hotbed of contagion, while clinically clean Boise escaped unscathed? We can compare counties since Boise is the largest city in Ada County and Nampa the largest in Canyon County. Total COVID cases as a percent of population in Ada County was 10.4%, while Canyon County was 11.3%. Less than one percentage point difference. Not significant.
How about mask mandates? Did they curb the spread, as the mask advocates insisted? Or did they do little or nothing, as some who looked closely at the science concluded? We can examine the CDC’s latest research dated March 5, 2021. It found that mask mandates led to a 0.5 to 1.8% reduction in COVID case growth rates, depending on the duration. On average it was about 1% less. That seems to mean instead of getting 100 new COVID cases, implementing a mask mandate would reduce it to 99. Here again, not significant.
How about the compulsive cleaning and sanitizing that restaurants and businesses were required to do? The latest guidelines from the CDC, dated April 5, 2021, state: “There have been few reports of COVID- 19 cases potentially attributed to fomite [surface] transmission… Findings of these studies suggest that the risk of SAR-CoV-2 infection via the fomite transmission route is low… each contact with a contaminated surface has less than 1 in 10,000 chance of causing an infection.” So, while hand washing was helpful, surface cleaning did little or nothing to curb the spread.
It was much ado about nothing. We could have saved all the expense, trouble and rancor and achieved nearly the same results by simply asking people to wash their hands.
Meanwhile, Mayor McLean continues to maintain a perpetual state of emergency and regularly re-issues public health orders on penalty of fines, imprisonment or both. Which brings me to the final point.
Health leaders are hinting that this is not over. At a recent news briefing, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said she had a feeling of “impending doom” because of a 10% increase in COVID cases. What does she know that she is not telling us? A study from Israel, a nation that aggressively rolled out the Pfizer vaccine, found the South African virus variant can break through the vaccine’s protection. Pharmaceutical companies are already developing second-round vaccine boosters. I don’t wish to rain on everyone’s parade, but it seems we are just one or two mutations away from variant that completely bypasses vaccine protection (leaving aside the question of acquired immunity) and brings us back to square one. Health and political leaders would likely attempt another round of lockdowns at that point.
In March 2020, Boise’s city council voted to revise the Emergency Powers in city code and gave the mayor unilateral authority to declare a public health emergency and mandate social distancing, curfews, quarantines, sheltering in place, closing businesses and restricting gatherings. She can shut down civil society at the stroke of a pen. City Council members are required to vote to rescind or ratify the order at the next official meeting, though the members’ record to date suggests they would likely ratify.
Residents of Nampa, I think you are in good hands if calls for another lockdown emerge. Residents of Boise, I think it is clear what McLean will do. If you are not okay with another severe lockdown, the time to speak up to City Hall is now. Once the gates are shut, you’re stuck inside.
Note: The report defined daily growth rate as the difference between the natural log of cumulative cases on a given day and the natural log of cumulative cases on the previous day, multiplied by 100.
Tags: Brad Little, Covid-19, Debbie Kling, Lauren McLean, Mask Mandate
15 thoughts on “Op-Ed: A Tale of Two Mayors: Kling and McLean”
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McLean may have crossed several legal boundaries and constitutional rights. If so she needs to be removed from office immediately and tried and sentenced in an appropriate court of law.
Governor Little simply needs to be voted down in the next primary.
The best would be for both to resign immediately and enjoy a happy retirement of their choosing.
The problem with that is that these kind of people have a messianic complex, thinking of themselves as more knowledgeable than the “common” person and without their “expertise” their fiefdom would fail. They deserve the lawful repercussions of illegitimately preventing us from our God-given rights of assembly, speech, private property (loss of income), etc.
Brad Little has sat back and acted as the typical placeholder politician that he is; A big do nothing that has let the socialist Cabal in Boise run rampant. If we don’t watch out boys he will turn into the typical democratic cities like Portland and Seattle, those places turned out great didn’t they?
Sadly, Boiseans had a chance to Recall McLean and Sanchez last year, but the complainers failed to show up to help gather signatures. Lots of great people volunteered, but not enough, so the recall ended up short.
And, yes, I was a volunteer. Who can get the McLean Recall going again?
I was a volunteer for the recall McLean and Sanchez effort as well. Unfortunately, the leadership of that effort fumbled so badly that even though they both need to be recalled ASAP, they lost any momentum that effort ever had and frustrated a lot of us so much that we have little interest in putting in time or effort to watch it go down in flames again. I bet those smug b*%$@!@s were thrilled that the efforts failed and now think that they can do anything and can’t be touched. Which unfortunately is somewhat true. They sure have demonstrated that they won’t listen to the majority of their constituents and no one can get enough momentum on a recall. Sad day for Boise and Idaho.
I would have volunteered to seek signatures. I don’t believe there is any such thing as Covid-19. Anthony Fauci announced it in 2017, just days before the Trump inauguration. It was called a surprise outbreak.
Mayor Kling is a true patriot for Idaho and the country. Little & Mclean are both Tyrant’s that truly don’t understand the nature of what an actual pandemic really is and sadly thousands upon thousands in our great state don’t either. Would you call a 99.74% survival rate a pandemic? People need to wake up. It’s all about the money and power. It doesn’t stop here, now our 2nd Amendment rights are under attack. You can bet Little & Mclean don’t care.
The Idaho people will not allow our 2 A to ever be compromised. Fight fight fight before it’s to late. Funny how C19 cured the flu!!!!!
RECALL … pure and simple. It’s warming, people are out and about … people understand this time around to sign in person VS online .! Don’t even do a online petition. It’s time. Everyone wants Retribution on afew different items… time to strike while the iron is hot. Come on…… Recall Time !
Great article, thank you. A Boise recall would be nice, or legal prosecution following a reluctance to resign.
I am amazed that so many people can’t see through the plandemic. There are a handful of people in this country (mostly governors) who should be prosecuted for the murder of elderly people who were forced to endure living with those who were known to be infected. If a virus with a 99% survival rate is so terrible…well, I’ll just take my chances without being injected with some experimental goop.
There’s so much false information out there about McLean. If you Google her, Wikipedia says she’s an entrepreneur. If you look at her Linkedin she’s never started anything and has been a career volunteer and organizer since college. Her campaign funding also traces back an organization that links to globalist George Soros so why would we expect her to care about small businesses. KTVB also has an article online which says none of the businesses
downtown interviewed have has any net losses due to her pandemic mandates. The true message is being blocked by the media. The entire world has been opening up for the past month yet the city of Boise last week told Albertson’s that they’d be shut down for not making customers wear masks in the store. Living in Boise is like life in a socialist country. I own a business here and lost over $100k last year.
That’s interesting information about McLean’s odd history. I also concluded that McLean is likely a plant. By that I mean some persons behind the scenes have funded her and put her in place to advance an agenda. McLean is not from Idaho and does not reflect Idaho values. So what is she doing here?
Governor Little also continues to push COVID medical tyranny. He just vetoed Senate Bill 1136 and House Bill 135, which sought to put a check on his emergency power and ensure the state legislature stayed involved as a co-equal branch of government. I wrote my legislators and encouraged them to override it. An aspiring dictator is anathema to a democracy.
You might want to read this article. It explains where McLean gets her “dark” money. She is basically another Democrat puppet for the elites. She needs to go!
If your business was a small grocer, I would prefer supporting your business over Whole Foods. Whole Foods should be sued for making false trespass charge against me. Under Idaho law false trespass is simply unlawfully violating the individual liberties of another. Face masks being forced on others is absolutely the unlawful violation of the individual liberties of another. And the scary thing is that psychopaths have the temerity to own you. And Albertson’s is a victim of trespass by Lauren Mclean. She has not bought out this business and if you don’t control your own business, you don’t own it in the truest sense. This is why President James Madison said that democracies have never been compatible with the right of liberty or property. This is why we were given a republic, if you can keep it.
If your business was a small grocer, I would prefer supporting your business over Whole Foods. Whole Foods should be sued for making false trespass charge against me. Under Idaho law false trespass is simply unlawfully violating the individual liberties of another. Face masks being forced on others is absolutely the unlawful violation of the individual liberties of another. And the scary thing is that psychopaths have the temerity to own you. And Albertson’s is a victim of trespass by Lauren Mclean. She has not bought out this business and if you don’t control your own business, you don’t own it in the truest sense. This is why President James Madison said that democracies have never been compatible with the right of liberty or property. This is why we were given a republic, if you can keep it.