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Meridian High Says More Students Not Wearing Masks Than Have Opted Out

By • August 31, 2021

Yesterday, the West Ada School District said that approximately 31% of students had been opted out of their masking requirement at school.

Today, Meridian High School said in an email to parents that approximately 25% of their students have opted out of masking. However, MHS said in the email to parents that many more students are not wearing a mask than have opted out.

MHS also said in its email that their observational data showed a much higher percentage are not wearing masks but did not elaborate on what that percentage might be. The email also re-iterated that if a student did not wish to wear a mask, their parent must opt them out through the West Ada School District plan released last week.

The email also said that 18-years-old students can opt out on their own.

A parent who sent Idaho Dispatch the email told us that their child, a student at MHS, observed that only a few students in their class wore masks while the other 30-40 students did not.

Idaho Dispatch also reached out to MHS to determine if the school was monitoring whether or not a student has opted out and how they can tell. The MHS employee informed us that teachers could find out through the “Power School” system which students have opted out and which ones have not.

Here is the full email sent to MHS parents:

Dear Meridian High School Families,

On August 24th, 2021 the West Ada School District Board of Trustees voted to require masks/face coverings to be worn properly while in the classroom. This decision also includes visitors to our school.

Families were given the option to opt-out of the requirement by returning the attached “Opt-Out” form to the district office. We recognize that some families did not have time to complete the form therefore, we will be accepting the opt-out forms (attached to this email) in our main office until Friday, September 3rd at 3:00pm. Because this is a medical decision a parent/guardian must bring the form with a photo ID in person to our main office. Students who are 18 may submit the form on their own behalf. If a student does not have a mask opt-out form on file they will be expected to comply with the mandate.

As of 8/31/21 MHS has 25% of our students with mask exemptions on file. As we collect observational data we theorize that a much higher percentage of students are not wearing masks. Students without a mask exemption must be wearing a mask while in the classroom.

For more information on COVID health and safety plans, please visit: Health Services / Health Services ( Thank you for your continued support of Meridian High School.

Thank You,

MHS Administration

If you have any information about masking requirements in your school, please send them to


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Tags: Masking, Meridian High School, West Ada School District

6 thoughts on “Meridian High Says More Students Not Wearing Masks Than Have Opted Out

    1. Based on that premise, our illustrious “governor” too, needs to be banned. Immediately…

  1. MHS Administration states that mask wearing is a “medical decision”. What medical studies do they have that actually show that a mask is of any use for this flu or any other? Do they not read any history? The 1918 flu epidemic taught us just how harmful wearing masks for longer time periods are.
    The funny thing is that there are many photos from that time of virtue signaling with mask wearing, just as today. In 1918 they put masks on their pets and took photos, just as we are today.

    1. Schools have no authority to issue medical requirements, but just as soon as the word “mandate” is used, everybody jumps onboard.

  2. Shaping the minds of our impressionable youth. It’s not about health, it’s about fear and compliance. I honestly hope the kids see through this sham.

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