General Election – Statewide/Congressional Candidates as of 10/26/2022
By Greg Pruett • May 23, 2022Idaho’s primary election is now over, and voters now look to the general election.
Over the next five months, Idaho Dispatch will do its best to interview all statewide and congressional candidates. Our goal is to interview every candidate from every party and candidates who are running as “Independents.”
The following list is of all candidates from all political parties and independent candidates running in the general election.
Candidates will be listed alphabetically by their last name and by their political party or independent status. Candidates’ websites and social media sites are also posted. An incumbent, if applicable, will also be noted as such. Idaho Dispatch has also posted links to interviews with candidates who have agreed to do an interview with us.
Note: Advertising is a part of all Idaho Dispatch articles. Ads appearing in this article do NOT denote an endorsement of any candidate. The ads are placed based on the number of paragraphs in the article.
If you notice that your candidate has information available that Idaho Dispatch does not have, please send the information to in**@id***********.com.
Name: Bundy, Ammon
Party: No Party – Independent
Website: votebundy.com
Social Media: Gab – Gettr – Telegram – Facebook – Twitter – Instagram – YouTube
Interview with Idaho Dispatch: Watch here. (Primary Election Before Changing to Unaffiliated)
Name: Davison, Chantyrose
Party: Constitution
Website: chantyrosedavison.com
Social Media: Facebook
Interview with Idaho Dispatch: Interview pending.
Name: Heidt, Stephen
Party: Democrat
Website: heidtforgovernor.com
Social Media: Facebook – Twitter
Interview with Idaho Dispatch: Request sent.
Name: Little, Brad – Incumbent
Party: Republican
Website: bradlittleforidaho.com/
Social Media: Facebook – Twitter
Interview with Idaho Dispatch: Request sent.
Name: Marie, Lisa
Party: Independent Write In
Social Media: Facebook – YouTube – Twitter
Interview with Idaho Dispatch: Request not yet sent.
Name: Sand, Paul
Party: Libertarian
Website: paulsand.com
Social Media: Facebook
Interview with Idaho Dispatch: Watch here. (Primary Election)
Lieutenant Governor (No Incumbent)
Name: Bedke, Scott
Party: Republican
Website: BedkeforIdaho.com
Social Media: Twitter – Facebook – Instagram
Interview with Idaho Dispatch: Request sent.
Name: Manweiler, Terri Pickens
Party: Democrat
Website: terriforidaho.com/
Social Media: Twitter – Facebook – Instagram
Interview with Idaho Dispatch: Request not yet sent.
Name: Pro-Life
Party: Constitution
Website: prolife-idaho.com/
Social Media: Unknown.
Interview with Idaho Dispatch: Request not yet sent.
Attorney General (No Incumbent)
Name: Arkoosh, Tom
Party: Democrat
Website: arkooshforag.com
Social Media: Facebook – Twitter
Interview with Idaho Dispatch: Request not yet sent.
Name: Labrador, Raul
Party: Republican
Website: labrador2022.com
Social Media: Facebook – Twitter
Interview with Idaho Dispatch: Currently in editing.
Secretary of State (No Incumbent)
Name: Gaylord, Garth
Party: Unaffiliated Write In
Website: Unknown
Social Media: YouTube – Facebook
Interview with Idaho Dispatch: Request not yet sent.
Name: Keenan, Shawn
Party: Democrat
Website: Unknown
Social Media: Unknown
Interview with Idaho Dispatch: Request not yet sent.
Name: McGrane, Phil
Party: Republican
Website: mcgraneforidaho.com
Social Media: Facebook – Twitter
Interview with Idaho Dispatch: Watch here. (Primary Election)
State Superintendent of Public Education (No Incumbent)
Name: Critchfield, Deborah
Party: Republican
Website: debbie4idaho.com/
Social Media: Twitter – Facebook – Instagram
Interview with Idaho Dispatch: Watch here. (Primary Election)
Name: Gilbert, Terry
Party: Democrat
Website: gilbert4idahoschools.com/
Social Media: Facebook – Twitter
Interview with Idaho Dispatch: Request not yet sent.
Name: Silver, Deborah
Party: Democrat
Website: Unknown
Social Media: Facebook – Twitter
Interview with Idaho Dispatch: Request not yet sent.
Name: Ellsworth, Julie – Incumbent
Party: Republican
Website: ellsworthfortreasurer.com
Social Media: Facebook – Twitter
Interview with Idaho Dispatch: Request not yet sent.
Name: David, Dianna
Party: Democrat
Website: Unknown
Social Media: Unknown
Interview with Idaho Dispatch. Request not yet sent.
Name: Gardner, Miste
Party: Constitution
Website: miste4liberty.com – Home
Social Media: Telegram
Interview with Idaho Dispatch: Request not yet sent.
Name: Woolf, Brandon – Incumbent
Party: Republican
Website: brandonwoolf.com
Social Media: Facebook – Twitter
Interview with Idaho Dispatch: Request not yet sent.
U.S. House – Congressional District 1
Name: Drake, Darian
Party: Libertarian
Website: darian.us
Social Media: Twitter
Interview with Idaho Dispatch: Request not yet sent.
Name: Fulcher, Russ – Incumbent
Party: Republican
Website: russfulcher.com
Social Media: Facebook – Twitter – Instagram – YouTube
Interview with Idaho Dispatch: Request not yet sent.
Name: Peterson, Kaylee
Party: Democrat
Website: kayleeforcongress.com
Social Media: Facebook – Twitter
Interview with Idaho Dispatch: Request not yet sent.
U.S. House – Congressional District 2
Name: Norman, Wendy
Party: Democrat
Website: Unknown
Social Media: Unknown
Interview with Idaho Dispatch: Request not yet sent.
Name: Simpson, Mike – Incumbent
Party: Republican
Website: simpsonforcongress.com
Social Media: Facebook – Twitter – YouTube
Interview with Idaho Dispatch: Request not yet sent.
U.S. Senate
Name: Cleveland, Scott
Party: No Party – Independent
Website: clevelandforsenate.com
Social Media: Facebook
Interview with Idaho Dispatch: Request not yet sent.
Name: Crapo, Mike – Incumbent
Party: Republican
Website: crapoforsenate.com
Social Media: Facebook – Twitter
Interview with Idaho Dispatch: Request not yet sent.
Name: Law, Idaho
Party: Libertarian
Website: Unknown
Social Media: Unknown
Interview with Idaho Dispatch: Request not yet sent.
Name: Roth, David
Party: Democrat
Website: rothforidaho.org
Social Media: Twitter – Facebook
Interview with Idaho Dispatch: Request not yet sent.
Name: Writz, Ray
Party: Constitution
Website: Unknown
Social Media: Facebook
Interview with Idaho Dispatch: Request not yet sent.
Tags: 2022 Idaho General Election, Constitution Party, Democrat, Independent, Libertarian, Republican
One thought on “General Election – Statewide/Congressional Candidates as of 10/26/2022”
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Look at how many RINO’s are on the General ballot because people are WAY to beholden to party instead of principle.