Former Caldwell Police Chief Assistant Settles for $150,000 Amid Claims of Sexual Harassment, Other Allegations
By Greg Pruett • February 25, 2025Important Note: All parties are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. A settlement does not necessarily indicate guilt or innocence by any party named in a tort claim, lawsuit, or other pending litigation. Settlements are often agreed to, so lengthy and costlier litigation can be avoided, even if the plaintiff(s) or defendant(s) feel like they would win in a jury trial, where a jury becomes an unknown factor in how they will see the case. Current employees are also often prohibited from commenting on settlements and other pending litigation, limiting their ability to give “their side of the story.” Idaho Dispatch has done its best to put both all sides of the story out.
Gabriela Gudino, the former Executive Assistant to Caldwell Police Chief Rex Ingram, has settled her tort claim for $150,000, Idaho Dispatch has confirmed with Idaho Counties Risk Management Program.
ICRMP confirmed that Armis Law received a payment of $150,000 on July 9, 2024.
Gudino made numerous allegations in her tort claim. She alleged sexual harassment, gender discrimination, and retaliation by Ingram. The claim also made allegations against an attorney, Tayler Yett, who represented the city periodically, saying she exhibited a “blatant disregard for legal and ethical standards.”
A seven-page document (posted in its entirety below) obtained by Idaho Dispatch from an anonymous source shows Armis Law and Belen Meyers Law representing Gudino.
(Note: The following allegations summarize some of the accusations against Ingram and Yett. The entire tort claim is posted at the end of this article to see all allegations.)
Gudino’s allegations began in July 2022, when she said Ingram commented that if she were a “different type of woman,” his wife would have had her fired.
On September 17, 2022, Gudino says Ingram asked her to lie to his wife about inviting Officer Allison Butler to a Boise State football game. Butler filed her own claim against Ingram, the city of Caldwell, and the Caldwell Police Department several weeks ago.
In November 2022, Gudino claims Ingram asked her to babysit his kids but not to disclose that she had done so to avoid rumors starting in the workplace about the arrangement. Gudino’s claim says she watched Ingram’s kids. Additionally, the claim states that Ingram also asked Butler to watch his kids, which she also allegedly did and was told not to tell others to avoid scrutiny. The claim does not state why Gudino did not turn down Ingram’s request to babysit his children.
When Ingram returned with a friend later that night, he allegedly asked Gudino if she wanted a drink. Gudino claims she turned down the drink because she had to drive home. The claim also states Ingram’s friend made a positive comment about her turning down the drink and that Ingram was irresponsible in offering Gudino a drink, knowing she had to drive home.
On May 3, 2023, Gudino says she witnessed Ingram holding Yett’s handcuffed arms behind her back. She says she confronted Ingram about the incident, telling him it was inappropriate and that if other people had seen the situation, it could have negatively impacted the department. Gudino alleges that Ingram brushed off her concerns and told her he was allowed to have fun in the office.
The following month, on June 6, Gudino says that Ingram visited her home at approximately 6:00 p.m. to check on her and her sister. The claim says that Ingram told Gudino that visiting staff and employees to check on them was part of his managerial style. Gudino says in the document that she was unaware of anyone else Ingram had visited.
In July 2023, Gudino alleges that Yett made jokes about the term “LatinX.” Gudino says Yett “interrogated” her about the term and asked her how she felt about it.
On August 9, a 17-year-old student conducted a podcast with Ingram. Gudino alleges that Ingram told the girl she was the type of girl to “wife up.” Gudino’s claim says she tried to re-direct the conversation, and instead, she praised the girl’s “intelligence and potential.” Gudino says Ingram insisted on having her give the girl his personal cell phone information on his work business card, which she reluctantly agreed to do.
Gudino’s claim states that a School Resource Officer said the 17-year-old girl’s presence at the station could “be problematic for male staff, including Chief Ingram.” During the visit, Ingram allegedly used the term “mija” when addressing the girl, which she corrected by stating she did not identify with the term.
On February 8, 2024, Gudino was informed by Human Resources Director Shellie Boggie of an investigation conducted by an attorney named Doug Plass. Gudino says in the claim that she was concerned her confidential information would be given to Yett, as her understanding was that the investigation results would be given to Yett. Gudino participated in the investigation that day.
Gudino’s claim says that on April 4, Caldwell Mayor Jarom Wagoner and Boggie told her that she was being offered a job as a “records Technician,” which the claim says was a demotion and retaliation for her participation in the investigation. Gudino says she was never reprimanded in her three years at Caldwell P.D. and was even given the 2022 Rookie of the Year award.
Idaho Dispatch contacted Ingram directly for a response to the allegations and the settlement. He has not yet responded to our inquiry.
However, Ingram did send an email to KTVB recently about the other lawsuits currently facing the city and himself, saying,
“We are in the process of responding and will keep our media partners abreast. Unfortunately, I have NOT officially been served and only discovered this via social media. I would like to reiterate that these are merely allegations and I would urge KTVB to report as such, and not fact, especially since it is pending litigation.”
Additionally, Idaho Dispatch contacted Char Jackson, the Caldwell public information office, and Taylor Yett, an attorney who represented the city on behalf of the firm she works for, but we have not heard from either party.
Wagoner did release a statement about the lawsuits, not specifically to this claim, but Idaho Dispatch felt it would be appropriate to put as part of this article as well:
“The Caldwell City Council and I would like to express our full support for Police Chief Ingram as he faces the recent lawsuit brought against him and the city. We are confident in Chief Ingram’s leadership and professionalism and firmly stand behind him during this legal process.
The City Council and I believe that the allegations are not reflective of Chief Ingram’s longstanding commitment to law enforcement excellence and community safety. Chief Ingram, like any public official, is entitled to a fair and impartial reviewof the allegations.
We urge the public to allow the judicial system to work through this process and avoid drawing conclusions before all facts are presented. The ultimate goal for me, the City, the Council, and the Police Chief is to ensure justice, protect public trust, and maintain the strong foundation upon which our city’s law enforcement operates.”
Finally, Idaho Dispatch contacted Gudino to ask additional questions, but we have not received a reply.
The city of Caldwell, Wagoner, Caldwell P.D., and/or Ingram are currently faces three other lawsuits.
You can watch a breakdown of Gudino’s tort claim here:

Tags: Caldwell, Caldwell Police Department, Gabriela Gudino, Rex Ingram, Sexual Harrassment, Tort Claim
11 thoughts on “Former Caldwell Police Chief Assistant Settles for $150,000 Amid Claims of Sexual Harassment, Other Allegations”
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If the law firm representing the city has terminated it’s representation… Why is Taylor Yett still have unfettered access to the Police department. What I mean is; she has access that even the officers DO NOT have. She can go into the Admin section un-escorted and an actual city employee can not. Seriously is the chief having sexual relations with this woman? What about all the recent retaliation against a lieutenant and an officer. Seriously the chief’s hit men visited there houses and took everything WITHOUT an explanation of why these officers were being put on ADMIN leave. This clown and his minions -SGT Giambo, LT Tucker- need to find another job.
Gabby we support YOU. If you ever get to meet Gabby you will find she is is the nicest most sincere person ever. She is so sweet and nice its disgusting.
Seems like a story of someone who needs attention and has no regard for anyone else’s life and family. These girls are what is wrong with our world today. No one can be nice, joke around, or be friendly without being accused of harassment or misconduct. These woke, overly sensitive victims are going to be the demise of our society.
Wow, this really shows how you value women in the workplace. I can see why you side with Rex.
Funny thing is, I am a woman. These women give other women a bad name alluding that every little comment and action affect us like we are weak little victims. I’m tired of women claiming that they want to be treated like equals in the workplace but are the first to throw someone under the bus as soon as one little thing offends them. Ridiculous and embarrassing.
Check out the other lawsuits. This is not in a vacuum.
Funny how the lawsuits are so similar and there seems to be a couple common denominators. Two little fragile little girls whom chose to work in law enforcement— in a man’s world and can’t even hold their own. People are just bitter because he is trying to clean up and clean house and they can’t handle getting their little feelings hurt.
found Rex’s secret account
This appears to be a clear retaliation resulting in the demotion of her job duties after participating in an investigation.
Look Rex asked his young beautiful assistant /secretary for sex. She refused and got demoted. Good for her. Screw him – he is a cheater looking to nut in a woman other than his wife.
This is the same sh*t just different names that the Caldwell Police Department and Mayors Office has wasted money on for years. The egos of these people that they can do anything they want at anytime and then just settle out of court so that the details never get out to the public.