Idaho Dispatch

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Congressman Simpson, Lt. Governor Bedke Oppose Proposition 1

By • October 18, 2024

Congressman Mike Simpson (R – Congressional District 2) and Lt. Governor Scott Bedke (R) both say they are opposed to Proposition 1.

Prop 1 would implement a top four primary system and ranked choice voting fo the general election. According to a Zoldak Research/Idaho Dispatch poll conducted earlier this month, the “no” vote on Prop 1 leads the “yes” vote in a close race by 5.8%.

Idaho Dispatch has contacted current state, legislative, and congressional elected officials to learn their positions on Prop 1. The full list can be seen by clicking here.

Yesterday, Idaho Dispatch heard radio ads from Republicans for Idaho, a Political Action Committee funded mainly by Frank VanderSloot’s company Malealuca. The ads said Simpson opposed Prop 1. However, Simpson had not made a public statement on the issue.

Idaho Dispatch called Simpson’s office today and confirmed with his staff that he opposes Prop 1, particularly Ranked Choice Voting. However, Simpson’s staff said a public statement on the issue is unlikely.

Additionally, Idaho Dispatch contacted Bedke after rumors that he opposed Prop 1 had surfaced. We also confirmed with Bedke that he is opposed to Prop 1.

Simpson’s opposition to Prop 1 means that all of Idaho’s congressional delegation is opposed. Senator Jim Risch (R), Senator Mike Crapo (R), and Representative Russ Fulcher (R—Congressional District 1) had all previously opposed Prop 1 in public statements.

Bedke’s opposition to Prop 1 joins Gov. Brad Little (R) who came out opposed to Prop 1 several weeks ago. Their opposition aligns with House Speaker Mike Moyle (R – Star) and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Winder (R – Meridian), who oppose Prop 1.

Former Republican Governor Butch Otter remains the highest-ranking Republican to support the measure. Additionally, former Republican House Speaker Bruce Newcomb also supports Prop 1.

Out of the 105 legislators, the breakdown for support, opposition, and those who have not taken a stance are as follows:

Idaho Senate

Republicans: 22 – Opposed, 1 – Supports, 5 – Unknown
Democrats: 0 – Opposed, 4 – Supports, 3 – Unknown

Idaho House

Republicans: 38 – Opposed, 1 – Supports, 1 – Will Not Take a Stance, 19 – Unknown
Democrats: 0* – Opposed, 2 – Supports, 9 – Unknown
(*Note: Rep. Ilana Rubel (D – Boise) has been rumored to oppose, but Idaho Dispatch has not been able to confirm.)

Do you support Prop 1? Let us know in the comments below.

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Tags: Mike Simpson, Prop 1, Proposition 1, Ranked Choice Voting, RCV News, Scott Bedke

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