Idaho Dispatch

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Boise Mayor Named Vice Chair of Climate Mayors Network

By • December 13, 2023

Following Boise Mayor Lauren McLean’s recent trip to Dubai, UAE to attend the COP28 Climate Action Summit hosted by the United Nations, she has now been named the Vice Chair of the Climate Mayors Network.

The Climate Mayors website describes the organization, saying,

“Founded in 2014, Climate Mayors is a bipartisan, peer-to-peer network that has mobilized more than 750 U.S. mayors who demonstrate climate leadership through meaningful actions in their communities. Representing 48 states and nearly 60 million Americans, the Climate Mayors coalition reflects U.S. cities’ commitment to climate progress.”

McLean shared the news of joining the Climate Mayors leadership team on her Twitter account.

The Climate Mayors website spoke of each Mayor on the board.

“Mayor McLean has seen the worsening climate impacts firsthand in Boise. Last summer, the city experienced its second hottest summer, with nearly twice as many days OVER 100 DEGREES than 30 years ago. But under McLean’s leadership, the city has fought climate change ambitiously — especially through the city’s goal to be powered by 100% clean electricity for its government operations by 2030, which Boise is on track to meet five to six years EARLY.”

McLean is quoted on their page saying,

“Climate Mayors is providing crucial guidance to city leaders across the country to access funds and pool resources and knowledge to advance meaningful climate solutions,” said Mayor McLean. “The role of local governments in creating a climate ready future for our kids and theirs cannot be understated, as we hear from our residents every day how important this work is to them. I am thrilled to join Mayors Bibb and Gallego on the leadership team and to continue this essential work for Boise and beyond.”

According to the site, McLean has two action items planned for 2024.

“As incoming Vice-Chair, Mayor McLean highlighted 2 key priorities for the 2024 year:

-Ensure that crucial funds for climate action flow directly to cities, particularly for those in traditionally red states.
-Cultivate new ways for Climate Mayors to connect and leverage expertise between member cities and continue empowering cities to advance climate priorities.”

Photo courtesy of the Climate Mayors website.


Feature photo courtesy of

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Tags: Boise Mayor, Climate Action Summit, Climate Change, Climate Mayors Network, COP28, Lauren McLean, UN

31 thoughts on “Boise Mayor Named Vice Chair of Climate Mayors Network

  1. Last summer was one of Boise’s mildest ever. If there’s a problem, it’s pollution, which will be made worse with the “upzoning” of Boise that the city council rushed through in spite of opposition.

      1. PLeeease, give us a break! Where’s the proof, the evidence?

        The fact is that the Ada County Repulbicans were too busy squabblinng among themselves to organize annd unite behind their best channce to change Boise’s direction. The percentage of Republicans who vote in local, odd year electionns elections is abysmal. Basically, they are too lazy to vote when it matters most- in local elections. On the other hand the Democrats from top to bottom organized, supported, promoted their candidates through hard work- door knocking.

        1. It’s all a mirage. I worked hard to earn votes when running for school board. In the end, I only got 5% votes. What this opened my eyes to, is that we don’t have a say, the people who have the money have the say. Think about it. Those who get the word out only can get a small percentage of votes for their candidate. Those with money can pay for billboards, signs, mailing letters to everyone, and can completely destroy their opponent.

    1. From my understanding, Idaho is a fairly clean state as far as elections.
      The one exception is Ada County.
      Seth Keshel’s research points to Ada as having significant issues but I haven’t looked at his data to see the specifics.
      If I had to guess, I would imagine it has to do with the voter rolls, but it may be machine-related as well.
      When I voted, I was told to insert my paper ballot into a machine which indicated that my ballot was valid and accepted, but did NOT verify that it registered my vote as I had indicated.

      I have no way of knowing if my vote was accurately tallied or not.

      Having a globalist training center in town (BSU) adds to their ability to install leaders.

  2. The main sources of “climate change” stem from the Globalist’s lust for Power and Control of The People, along with robbing The People of their Resources and Money while enslaving them all at the same time.

    1. Precisely. They need to be. Without remedy for their crimes, We The People is finally dead.

      May God damn them all.

      1. I disagree. We the people are alive and well, just not listened to and ignored. If we had smaller groups and caucuses, we could see the reality of what We the people want. Problem is, there are too many votes to tally and count that we use machines to tally them. Fact is, we the people are not being represented accurately. It is up to our precinct committee members to make sure their voters have their voices heard.

  3. Pure democrat/RINO globalist theft of wealth, sovereignty, power.

    As Idaho quickly become Oregon. Washington. California Colorado.

    Fact: voters are idiots.

  4. I agree with all of the replies thus far…glad she is totally out in the “open” with her tyranny tactics – now, Boise, you know what you have to do.

  5. I don’t think it gets said enough that this mayor is a transplant from Boston. She doesn’t act like an Idahoan, she doesn’t present as an Idahoan, and she doesn’t deserve to be treated like an Idahoan. Please remember this next you head to the polls Boiseans.

  6. No one who reads the Dispatch is surprised by the news of McLean continuing to be the puppet of the globalists she is. What baffles me is what she has been doing in the background to earn herself a Vice-Chair position. How many times has she gone to these conferenced? How much taxpayer money has she wasted on programs, trips, politicking OUTSIDE her jurisdiction.

    People want to claim Idaho is still red. It’s not. It’s solidly purple on its way to blue. As a former Californian, I can assure you the things being pushed in Idaho… the things NOT being pushed in Idaho… all point to a Democrat-rising situation. Our systems are just as corrupt here as any blue state.

    Stop outsourcing your power and sovereignty, folks! If there is still a “silent majority”, that group needs to get ACTIVE.

  7. Was this the same climate meeting where all the elite flew in on private jet??? Climate crap is a SCAM!!!!

  8. The city’s tax payers are on the hook for her travel experience and pay while at The summit, plus one other city official that accompanied her. Total waste of tax payers money with no benefit to the city what so ever other than to stroke her ego.

    It’s time for a new conversation mayor!

  9. You Boise people need to get it together and get these people out. Truly disappointed when I talk to “conservatives” in Boise they have zero initiative or drive to go to protests or do anything to fix the city. Just go with the flow

  10. Climate change is an anti-science religion. McLean is proud of her ascension to vice chair, high priestess of the climate. Is she also a WEF globalist?

    1. Would not be surprised. She’s done a pretty good job of hiding her true colors over the years.

  11. Four more years of political agony for Boiseans. This woman is fully capable of ruining the entire city, and is doing a pretty good job of it already. Sadly, she is a disaster.

  12. Every democrat “year” is a month in human terms, she has a wealth of time now to pull out all the stops she was pretending didn’t exist till election day. Who paid for her attendance, travel, housing, dining, etcetcetc, at that frat party in Dubai? I cannot believe a majority Republican Electorate let this critter back into the statehouse

  13. Oh goody! We now have our own lieutenant Goebbels of Climate Crisis to listen to ad nauseum. After a pathetic attempt to unseat her, we will be subjected to all kinds of WEF propaganda that means to modify our lives day by day that will usher us all into a cage of Communism.

  14. This is what is considered unsustainable by the WEF, WHO, UN Agenda 2030. You will be ordered at gun point out of your single family residences, private vehicles, no eating meat, no appliances, no air conditioning, in short everything you are accustomed to living with in the developed world. The vice chair of the mayors implementing this world wide for the WEF is Lord Mayor McClean of Boise Idaho. Those of you who support her and this agenda deserve to lose everything you own. They publicly advertise continuously their implementation date is 2030. People in Brazil are already having their houses taken away from them to combat “climate change.” The people at the top implementing Agenda 2030 use thousands of times more energy than you do. The 1% of the 1% of the 1% use more energy than the 2/3 of the people on the planet earth. You have 6 years left to stand up for your freedom to own property of any kind. 6 years left to be moving about freely. 6 years until the US has completely transitioned into a third world country in accord with the Sustainable Development Plans. #NeverComply #NeverForget #NoAmnesty #MistakesWereNotMade

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