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Boise City Council Calls for Gun Control Reforms for Idaho in Resolution

By • September 18, 2024

The Boise City Council has called for gun control reforms for the state of Idaho in a resolution passed by the City Council.

City Councilman Jimmy Hallyburton drafted the resolution in response to a recent shooting at a high school in Georgia. In that shooting, two students and two teachers were killed.

Hallyburton’s resolution was passed with one dissenting vote from Councilwoman Luci Willits. Willits said the city cannot do anything through a resolution and should focus on ways to make a difference.

Hallyburton’s resolution says Idaho is one of the most restrictive states when it comes to gun control. Idaho does have a firearm preemption law that prohibits cities and counties from enacting ordinances that restrict local gun control measures from being passed. Over 40 states have some form of firearm preemption.

The resolution calls for several gun control measures to be passed at the state and federal levels. Part of the resolution calls for specific gun control measures. It says, in part,

“Section 1. That the Boise City Council continues to urge leaders at the state and federal level to enact legislation that materially ensures the safety of our residents from unnecessary gun violence by requiring thorough background checks for all gun sales, puts reasonable restrictions on ownership of military-style guns, limits the size of ammunition magazines, enacts extreme-risk protections to limit firearm access to those in crisis, and improves the accuracy and completeness of background check databases to ensure the safety of our residents.”

Former State Senator Christy Zito, who currently serves as the Political Director for the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance, told Idaho Dispatch about the resolution:

“The Boise city council resolution concerning the Second Amendment is completely unconstitutional and an infringement on the right of the people to protect themselves. Statistics prove that the enactment of constitutional carry in states across the country has resulted in fewer crimes of all kinds.

It is the right of the people to protect themselves and those around them. The average response time for law enforcement to arrive at the scene of a crime across the country is 6 minutes, best case, and hours, worst case. The average interaction time with an assailant is 6 seconds.

The courts have issued rulings that support the fact that law enforcement has no legal obligation to protect the people; the God-given right to self-defense, protected by the Constitution, is our first line of defense.

Every section of the proposed city council resolution is an infringement.”

Colin Nash, Jordan Morales, Kathy Corless, and Meredith Stead were other city council members who voted for the resolution.

Resolutions are non-binding and do not hold the weight of law in Idaho.

Note: Greg Pruett serves as the President and Founder of the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance.

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Tags: 2nd Amendment, Christy Zito, Colin Nash, Firearms, Gun Control, Guns, Idaho Second Amendment Alliance, Jimmy Hallyburton, Jordan Morales, Kathy Corless, Luci Willits, Meredith Stead

18 thoughts on “Boise City Council Calls for Gun Control Reforms for Idaho in Resolution

  1. The City of Boise is fast becoming the City of Portland (OR), Seattle (WA), or any other communist leaning city you can name. Certainly, its city council is terribly misguided.

    (The Second Amendment of the Constitution is essential to protecting the First Amendment rights of the Boise City Council to say things that are unconstitutional and not smart.)

    When you take guns away from the law abiding, only criminals will have guns. The law abiding will have no protection. None!

    Let’s enforce the laws that do exist. Prosecute criminals who commit violent acts. It’s the actions taken by criminals wielding the weapons that must be stopped — not the weapons themselves (whether they be fists, knives, guns, cars, sharpened credit cards, pens, pencils, rocks, sticks, baseball bats, you name it). Simply having a weapon does not mean you will use it to harm others. Behavior matters!

    Please, Boise, let Idahoans live our lives without infringement of our rights.

    P.S. I used to think like the Boise City Council members who approved this sad resolution. But then I read the Constitution and learned its true meaning. I hope they will consider doing that as well.

    1. Thank you for stating much of what I was going to reply. 1) NO tolerance for criminals who commit crimes with guns. Prosecute them to the full extent of the law! 2) Gun control only applies to the law-abiding–criminals pay no attention to it. (See the second would-be Trump assassin–already a felon who cannot legally possess a gun, and in possession of an illegal gun, ie had its serial number filed off.) 3) Do away with “gun-free zones,” especially in schools! Idaho needs to pass a teacher-carry law. (I would wonder if Idaho’s preemption law might prohibit school zones from denying 2A rights.) Get a teacher-carry bill passed THIS UPCOMING LEGISLATIVE SESSION! (BTW, that likely would have lowered the death count in the Georgia shooting–and if teachers/staff start shooting back, perps will start steering clear of schools!)

      Boise needs to cease and desist–and to reiterate, they need to start enforcing the actual laws we DO have!

    2. The city council and the mayor need to resign immediately… they are trying to change Boise to look like Portland. If they like portland so much , please move there.

  2. Once again, thank you Lucy for being level headed and upholding the Constitution against the left-leaning City Council members and blue mayor.

  3. Welcome to the new liberal Boise where Socialism is always the order of the day. Instead gun control reforms how about protecting our schools and children by taking down the GUN FREE Zone signs and putting up signs saying This School Protected by Armed Teachers. Guns don’t kill people. People kill people.
    Wake up Boise city council. What we need are less liberal politicians who would like to disarm Americans.

  4. The good news is that we needn’t take these folks the least bit seriously. Here in Idaho, those kind of opinions are irrelevant.

    1. Take them seriously. WA was one of the great free states with a strong 2A spirit and high per capita gun ownership. Now look at it. Background checks, mag bans, “assault” weapons bans (even 10/22’s are considered salty).

      These folks are maniacal and don’t underestimate them. Complacency is the enemy among us. Never let your guard down and above all: vote!

  5. Liberals fail to educate their kids and discipline them, so they change laws to protect their dumb kids from trouble. The problem is that I will not give-up my rights over some retards. When the time comes and when the last straw breaks, I will take action against this communism in this country and it will be ugly. Start with your own homes first and the world will be a better place. I will not give in to idiocracy.

  6. The Boise CIty Council needs to be recalled and never allowed to hold public office again as this is another guaranteed right under God and the constitution. They CANNOT change it to read how they like. This is nothing short of treason by our Founder’s standards. I think they all need to go back and read the Bill of Rights again and review their oaths of office. If they cannot uphold them as written then they need to be booted. We will NOT comply to gun reform crap in this state!

    1. Been saying it for years Boise is the Portland Oregon of Idaho, a most disgusting place. Won’t happen as the dumbed down Tv watchers with out discernment will reelect the incumbents at every election. Crapo, Simon, Risch for example.

  7. Li’l Jimmy bustin’ a political move, showin’ his true colors, preparin’ to carry the mayor’s torch should La Reina McLean moves on to a higher position, perhaps in the Harris “administration”.

  8. They are here. I chose to live in Idaho because it is the last state where freedom lives. Gun control is not only a breach of our rights, it is downright evil. Just look at cities/states with gun control: Seattle, Portland, California, New York, Chicago, etc. NO! NO! NO!!!

  9. I like Star’s Second Amendment resolution much much better. They declared themselves to be a Second Amendment sanctuary city that will not allow unconstitutional firearms laws to be enforced within their city.

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