Press Release: Humphreys Officially Files in Bid to Be Idaho’s Next Governor
By Press Release • March 12, 2022The following Press Release was sent out by Ed Humphreys, a Republican candidate for governor. Note: Press Releases sent out by candidates do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of those at the Idaho Dispatch.
At 9:30am on March 9, 2022, Ed Humphreys officially filed to be on the Republican ballot on May 17th for Governor of Idaho. The Secretary of State, Lawerence Denney, accepted the paperwork. Mr. Humphreys had this to say:
“After traveling the state of Idaho and meeting with thousands of Idahoans, it’s clear that now is the time for fresh new leadership. Idahoans feel betrayed by a government that benefits the politically connected rather than working for the people. It’s an honor to be on the ballot and be a part of the electoral process.”
Tags: Ed Humphreys, Governor, Republican, Secretary of State
8 thoughts on “Press Release: Humphreys Officially Files in Bid to Be Idaho’s Next Governor”
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We need Ed Humphreys for Governor. He’s doing an excellent job at raising funds and splitting the vote from IDAHO Lieutenant Governor Janice Mcgeachin. The other 13 or so candidates running for Governor or also aiding in this endeavor. Democrats who recently changed their party affiliation to Republican because of Janice McGeachin are also aiding in this endeavor. Looks like Governor Brad little is on very firm footing with a substantial lead in funding and in the polls and will be reelected in the May primary 2022.
You are exposing yourself as the voice of the RINO ‘s. Humphreys is doing nothing but splintering the conservative vote in a familiar pattern we have seen before. Only one true conservative is now running and that is Janice McGeachin. RINO season is now open
God help us that Little isn’t voted in
Sad day for Idaho if Little is reelected. Would not surprise me if Little’s supporters are behind encouraging all of the candidates to jump into this race in order to split the vote so far that he insures his own reelection.
We have been to several of Mr Humphreys’ town halls. The guy spoke off the cuff, was extremely articulate, and addressed any and all policy stance issues at hand. He even stayed after for personal one on one questions that he gladly answered, and he did it without needing to refer to note cards or a teleprompter. We should be challenging all of these candidates. It means too much this election cycle to sit back and pretend to know what is really going on. Get educated on all the candidates. At least make an informed decision. What we really need is a debate between Humphreys, Little and McGeachin. All of us deserve that much. I know without a doubt some of the naysayers would jump on the Humphreys train afterwards. We did.
Wasn’t sure what to think. Definitely know we need a change from Little. From what I’ve seen it’s been a lot of smoke and mirrors with Little, and McGeachin doesn’t seem like she can get out of her own way. And when she is caught speaking in public, she’s a mess. Talked to people supporting her, and repeatedly found out they are doing so literally just because she isn’t Little and they want Little out. But then when I ask what they know about her, folks haven’t had a good argument of support. I fear she could actually be worse than Little.
My little family met with Mr. Humphreys at a meet and greet and were very surprised. The guy reinvigorated us to want to care about what happens in Idaho again. He’s so passionate and knowledgeable. It was amazing to see him presenting his case to us, the voters. Sitting back and doing nothing, will turn us into a blue state. My family and I are 100% behind Humphreys now. But yes, for the unsure people a debate between candidates would probably be really beneficial for us. Thank you. Have a good day.
I agree regarding the debates.