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2024 Idaho Legislative Races List

By • July 29, 2024

The following list contains the names and websites of candidates for legislative office for the 2024 November election, where more than one candidate is running for a seat. Races with no challengers will not be shown in this list. Candidates are listed by legislative district and then by last name. Incumbents will be shown with their names in “green.” If no candidate is green, then the race is open.

District 1

State Senate 

Rose, Daniel (Independent) – Website
Woodward, Jim (Republican) – Website

State House – Seat A

Matthee, Karen (Democrat) – Website
Sauter, Mark (Republican) – Website

State House – Seat B

Larson, Kathryn (Democrat) – Website
Rasor, Cornel (Republican) – Website

District 2

State Senate

Hart, Phil (Republican) – Website
Hearn, Tom (Democrat) – Website

State House – Seat A

Peery, Loree (Democrat) – Website
Scott, Heather (Republican) – Website

State House – Seat B

Hawkins, Dale (Republican) – Website
Holdahl, Tami (Democrat) – Website
Luoma, Jennfier (Libertarian) – No Website Located

District 3

State Senate

Okuniewicz, Doug (Republican) – Website
Seguin, Brian (Democrat) – Website

State House – Seat A

Barbieri, Vito (Republican) – Website
Broadsword, Dale (Democrat) – No Website Located

State House – Seat B

Bruno, Steve (Democrat) – No Website Located
Redman, Jordan (Republican) – Website

District 4

State Senate

Hober, Carissa (Democrat) – Website
Toews, Ben (Republican) – Website

State House – Seat A

Alfieri, Joe (Republican) – Website
Chandler, Angela Jean (Democrat) – No Website Located

State House – Seat B

Marano, Paula (Democrat) – Website
Price, Elaine (Republican) – Website

District 5

State Senate

Bjerke, Carl (Republican) – Website
Chapman, Adam (Democrat) – No Website Located

State House – Seat A

Johnson, Kristy Reed (Democrat) – No Website Located
Mendive, Ron (Republican) – Website
Nonini, Robert (Independent) – Website

State House – Seat B

Borrenpohl, Teresa (Democrat) – No Website Listed
Wisniewski, Tony (Republican) – Website

District 6

State Senate

Foreman, Dan (Republican) – No Website Located
Parker, Julia (Democrat) – Website

State House – Seat A

Carter-Goodheart, Trish (Democrat) – Website
McCann, Lori (Republican) – Website

State House – Seat B

Dawes, Kathy (Democrat) – Website
Mitchell, Brandon (Republican) – Website

District 7

State Senate

Carlson, Cindy (Republican) – Website
Farmer, Bill (Democrat) – No Website Located

State House – Seat A

Harris, Kyle (Republican) – Website
Nostrant, Vickie (Democrat) – Website

State House – Seat B

Hardisty, Dustin (Democrat) – No Website Located
Shepherd, Charlie (Republican) – No Website Located

District 8

State Senate

Hoag, David (Democrat) – No Website Located
Zito, Christy (Republican) – Website

State House – Seat B

Dawson, Jared (Democrat) – Website
Thompson, Faye (Republican) – Website

Note: No challenger for House Seat A.

District 9

State Senate

Buck, Rachel (Democrat) – No Website Located
Shippy, Brandon (Republican) – Website

State House – Seat A

Albritton, Thomas (Democrat) – No Website Located
Shirts, John (Republican) – Website

State House – Seat B

Boyle, Judy (Republican) – No Website Located
Keeler, Jody (Democrat) – Website

District 10

State Senate

Nichols, Tammy (Republican) – Website
Silva, Letishia (Democrat) – Website

State House – Seat A

Moyle, Mike (Republican) – No Website Located
Parker, Nancy (Democrat) – No Website Located

State House – Seat B

Skaug, Bruce (Republican) – Website
Tremaine, Shana (Democrat) – Website

District 11

State Senate

Blaylock, Camille (Republican) – Website
Porto, Anthony (Democrat) – No Website Located

State House – Seat B

Cayler, Lucas (Republican) – Website
Pesina, Marisela (Democrat) – Website

Note: No challenger for House Seat A

District 12

State House – Seat B

Benson, Don (Democrat) – Website
Crane, Jaron (Republican) – Website

Note: No challenger for State Senate or House Seat A.

District 13

State Senate

Butler, Sarah (Democrat) – Website
Lenney, Brian (Republican) – Website

State House – Seat A

Crane, Brent (Republican) – Website
Hohman, Cliff (Democrat) – Website

Note: No challenger for House Seat B.

District 14

State Senate

Grow, C. Scott (Republican) – Website
Richardson, Kirsten Faith (Constitution) – Website

State House – Seat B

Daly, Jo (Democrat) – No Website Located
Tanner, Josh (Republican) – Website

Note: No challenger for House Seat A

District 15

State Senate

Galloway, Codi (Republican) – Website
Just, Rick (Democrat) – Website

State House – Seat A

Berch, Steve (Democrat) – Website
Tipton, Annette (Republican) – No Website Located

State House – Seat B

Baber, Shari (Democrat) – Website
Healey, Dori (Republican) – Website

District 16

State House – Seat A

Galaviz, Sonia (Democrat) – Website
Hadraba, Chandler Stewart (Republican) – Website

State House – Seat B

Achilles, Todd (Democrat) – Website
Davidson, Jackie (Republican) – Website

Note: No challenger for State Senate.

District 17

State Senate

Chafetz, Benjamin (Republican) – Website
Semmelroth, Carrie (Democrat) – Website

State House – Seat B

Alexis, Jazz (Republican) – Website
Egbert, Megan (Democrat) – Website

Note: No challenger for House Seat A.

District 18

State Senate

Bridges, Dan (Republican) – Website
Ward-Engelking, Janie (Democrat) – Website

Note: There are no challengers for House Seat A or B.

District 19

State House – Seat A

Church, Monica (Democrat) – Website
Feederle, Jim (Republican) – No Website Located

Note: No challenger for State Senate or House Seat B.

District 20

State Senate

Arriaga, Andy (Democrat) – No Website Located
Keyser, Josh (Republican) – Website

State House – Seat A

Navarro, Isaiah, (Democrat) – No Website Located
Palmer, Joe (Republican) – Website

Note: No challenger for House Seat B.

District 21

State Senate

Bernt, Treg (Republican) – Website
Long, Mike (Democrat) – Website

State House – Seat A

Hess, Casey (Democrat) – No Website Located
Petzke, James (Republican) – Website

State House – Seat B

Ehlers, Jeff (Republican)Website
McKinstry, Becky (Democrat) – Website
Weston, Daniel (Constitution) – Website

District 22

State Senate

Den Hartog, Lori (Republican) – Website
Pierce, Dawn (Democrat) – No Website Located

State House – Seat A

Petty, Loren (Democrat) – Website
Vander Woude, John (Republican) – Website

State House – Seat B

Bothwell, Glida (Democrat) – No Website Located
Monks, Jason (Republican) – Website

District 23

State Senate

Lakey, Todd (Republican) – Website
Morgan, Paul (Democrat) – No Website Located
Smith, Paul (Constitution) – No Website Located

State House – Seat A

Bruce, Chris (Republican) – Website
Harrington, Don (Democrat) – No Website Located

State House – Seat B

Castellanos, Julissa Melendez (Democrat) – No Website Located
Dygert, Shawn (Republican) – Website

District 24

State Senate

Easterling, Edward (Democrat) – Website
Zuiderveld, Glenneda (Republican) – Website

Note: There are no challengers for House Seat A or B.

District 25

State House – Seat A

Clow, Lance (Republican) – Website
Startin, W. Lane (Democrat) – Website

Note: There are no challengers for State Senate or House Seat B.

District 26

State Senate

Lickley, Laurie (Republican) – Website
Tate, Kala (Independent) – Website
Taylor, Ron (Democrat) – Website

State House – Seat A

Burns, Ned (Democrat) – Website
Pohanka, Mike (Republican) – Website

State House – Seat B

Hansen, Chris (Democrat) – Website
Nelsen, Jack (Republican) – Website

District 27

State House – Seat A

Pickett, Douglas (Republican) – No Website Located
Rodriguez, Damian (Democrat) – Website

Note: There are no challengers for State Senate or State House Seat B.

District 28

State Senate

Guthrie, Jim (Republican) – No Website Located
Matter, Russell (Democrat) – No Website Located

State House – Seat B

Garner, Dan (Republican) – Website
Meline, Jayson (Democrat) – No Website Located

Note: There are no challengers in State House Seat A.

District 29

State House – Seat A

Manwaring, Dustin (Republican) – Website
Shea, Mary (Democrat) – Website

State House – Seat B

Burgoyne, Tanya (Republican) – Website
Roberts, Nate (Democrat) – Website

Note: There are no challengers for State Senate.

District 30

State Senate

Keith, Karen, (Democrat) – No Website Located
VanOrden, Julie (Republican) – Website

State House Seat B

Buckingham, Breane (Democrat) – No Website Located
Fuhriman, Ben (Republican) – Website

Note: There are no challengers for State House Seat A.

District 31

State Senate

Burtenshaw, Van (Republican) – Website
Martonen, Dean (Democrat) – No Website Located

State House – Seat A

Delaney, Connie (Democrat) – No Website Located
Raymond, Jerald (Republican) – Website

State House – Seat B

Furniss, Rod (Republican) – Website
Talmadge, Wayne (Democrat) – No Website Located

District 32

State House – Seat B

Horman, Wendy (Republican) – Website
Stanger, Patricia (Democrat) – No Website Located

Note: There are no challengers for State Senate or State House Seat A.

District 33

State House – Seat A

Ehardt, Barbara (Republican) – Website
Marquit, Miranda (Democrat) – Website

Note: There are no challengers for State Senate or State House Seat B.

District 34

State Senate

Craner, Marsha (Democrat) – Website
Ricks, Doug (Republican) – Website

Note: There are no challengers for State House Seat A or B.

District 35

State Senate

Harris, Mark (Republican) – Website
Riley, Chris (Democrat) – No Website Location

State House – Seat A

Andrus, Kevin (Republican) – Website
Messerly, Joseph (Democrat) – Website

State House – Seat B

Shaw, Maggie (Democrat) – Website
Wheeler, Joshua (Republican) – Website

Amazon Outlet

Tags: 2024 Election, Constitution, Democrat, Idaho, Libertarian, Republican

10 thoughts on “2024 Idaho Legislative Races List

  1. Please vote Principle over Party in the November 5 General Election. For example, if you are a Republican, consider casting your vote for a Constitutional Party or Independent candidate if he or she is more principled than the Republican opposition.

    Having an “R” after one’s name does not guarantee a conservative or principled approach! In Idaho, especially, many “R” Republican legislators often are philosophically closer to and vote with Democrats; but these less-principled people know they must be an “R” to win elections so they claim Republican affiliation.

    VOTERS: Be discerning. Be analytical. Be informed.

    1. Interesting that you feel that a candidate has few or no principles unless they agree with you. Do you know no Democrats with principles? You must not get out much.

      1. LOL! This from someone who dares to preach from his leftist swamp morality. The Democrats I know are guilt-ridden defenders of welfare rats.

    2. So you vote for a Constitutional or Independent against a Republican and the Democrat for that seat gets elected. Open your eyes to what the result is. That is why we have a closed Primary.

    1. Chandler, I read through your website and, I must say, we agree on many points. However, I cannot see eye to eye with you on your stance regarding legalizing cannabis…don’t ask me how or why I’ve come to take the stance I do, but know this; I believe it is wrong. Sorry, not sorry.

      1. Maybe making a distinction between ending the war on cannabis for legitimate medical therapies and cannabis just for getting high would clarify his stance. The pot-head waste of a life is the perfect poster child for keeping it illegal. It is hard to convince someone with a medical condition, maybe life threatening, that the cannabis they are using to treat their disease is somehow illegitimate and needs to be illegal.

  2. Anthony Porto (Democrat) is actually my challenger for District 11-A House (Kent Marmon).

    Camille Blaylock’s opponent for District 11 Senate is Toni Ferro.

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