Idaho Dispatch

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Op-Ed: Time for a “Gem State Heist” of the Idaho Democrat Party

By • July 19, 2024

Chandler Hadraba submitted the following Op-Ed. Note: Op-Eds do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of those at the Idaho Dispatch.

“Prop 1, the Ranked Choice Voting and Open Primaries ballot initiative, qualified to be on the general election ballot this November.  If Prop 1 passes, this will be the end of the Idaho Democratic Party.

The promise of Prop 1 is to allow Democrats and Independents to have a voice by choosing Republican candidates, but it also means the Republicans will be voting for Democrat candidates.  This includes precinct committeemen (PCs) who elect the leadership of the Democratic Party.  Imagine a concerted effort by Republicans to run for Democrat party Pc races (or maybe this is already underway).  Same play as the Gem State Conservatives did to influence the Idaho GOP.  The Idaho Democrats are incredibly weak state wide, with tons of PC positions vacant.  There is no shortage of Republicans who can now run and win these positions.  Moreover, while the Democrats maintain registration advantages in a few select Legislative Districts, the dominance by the Republican Party statewide can ensure that the Democrat Precinct Committeemen races will be won by Republicans.  Remember under “Open Primaries,” Republicans get to select their party PC’s and the Democrat PC’s too.  Again, think of the registration advantage for Republicans throughout the State of Idaho.  If the 2/3 Republican “Super Majority,” advantage is replicated down to the PC level, then it will be a wipeout of registered Democrats in their own party.

Moreover, in many of the Boise based Legislative Districts, the Republican Party does hold a registration advantage over Democrats with independents also outnumbering registered Democrats.  The only way Democrats are able to beat Republicans in these districts is with the help of “independents.”  How sad is it that Republicans are the majority party in many of the Boise based legislative districts, but we have no Republican legislators to speak for us in the Idaho State Legislature.  If not for the elected Republicans in smaller municipalities and rural areas, Republicans would have almost no voice at all, as is the case in California, Washington, Oregon, and Colorado.  I know that Democrats and many independents don’t care about the Republicans having Boise based representatives in the legislature, but what if the 2/3 reality was also in effect for the Idaho Democratic Party?

With a 2/3 majority at the next Idaho Democratic Party convention, the 2/3 Republican PCs would elect the new chairman for the Idaho Dems as well as their executive committee.  Why would the 2/3 Republican PCs vote for anyone but Republican candidates? What about Dorothy Moon as co-chair of both the Idaho Democratic and Republican State parties?  What about eliminating the Democratic Party platform and replacing it with the Republican Party platform? With Republicans holding all of the leadership position for the Idaho Dems, control of the party will no longer be with registered Democrats.  Just think of the chaos when all of the Idaho Democrat Party assets are in the hands of Republicans? The website, logos, email lists, social media, and the bank account will no longer be run by actual Democrats.  All that money California Governor Gavin Newsom raised in his two trips to Idaho will make an excellent gift to Idaho Chooses Life, the Rescue Mission, Gays against Groomers, and the Idaho Humane Society.  Why stop there now that the Idaho Democrat Party will be endorsing Republican candidates in mailers going out to voters.  Imagine the setback to Idaho Democrats having to create a new party and the entire infrastructure required to function.  This will set back Idaho Democrats for at least one or more election cycles.

If you don’t think the above is possible, just look at what happened to the Minnesota Democratic Party when they failed to marginalize the anti-war Vietnam activists?  These dedicated grass roots activists took over the Minnesota Democrat Party forcing the “establishment” Democrats to create the “Democratic Farm Labor Party.”  Instead, both Democratic parties exist in Minnesota to this day. However, the activists still control the Democrat Party, and the DNC affiliated democrats have to run under the Democratic Farm Labor Party.

As someone, who grew up in Chicago, “Machine Style,” politics, Prop 1 will allow me to use all the dirty tricks to win in a way not possible before.  In the primary there is no limit on the number of candidates that can run for office.  In Alaska, the list of candidates for one office in the primary filled one page.  One of the best machine tricks is to recruit candidates with similar names to appear on the ballot.  The number of similar named candidates required is estimated by how much you need to beat your opponent.  If only a few points, then one candidate will do. The greater the margin needed, the more candidates you add.  Prop 1 will make this even easier as all the names are listed in a block.  McLean is not an uncommon name.  Imagine two or more “McLeans” or “McClains” running for Boise Mayor, all listed randomly on the same page? How many voters will just pick the first McName listed? How many voters will pick the wrong McName? What are the odds that the wrong McLean gets into the “Top 4” second round?

Wait a minute, you think that this is obvious voter confusion, and legally would not stand.  However, Democrat Mike Madigan, was speaker for the Illinois State House for 40 years.  The Republican Party of Illinois realized the Speakers district changed from Irish to 73% Hispanic. So, in 2016 they recruited Jason Gonzales to run against him.  In response, the Democrats recruited two additional Hispanics, Joe Barboza and Grasiela Rodriguez.  Surprisingly, the Illinois Republican Party took the case to court arguing voter confusion grounds.    The Federal Appeals Court for the 7th Circuit ruled in favor of the Democrat Mike Madigan, so this “dirty trick,” is now allowed under established Federal case law.

As someone mentored by one of Chicago Mayor Daley’s best, “get out the vote” individuals, I will enjoy replicating the same reality here in Idaho.  If you don’t think I am able to pull this off, as someone who won a landmark ballot access case against the State of Illinois, my record is better than the GOP in this arena.  We will purposely recruit individuals from backgrounds covered by the 1964 Civil Rights Act to counter any Democrat law fare as “blatant racial discrimination,” disenfranchising historically targeted groups, and counter sue accordingly.  How ironic would it be to sue the Idaho Democrat Party for using the same “Jim Crow,” laws they created to keep former black slaves off the ballot.  Go ahead Democrats, vote for Prop 1, and as Jack Reacher says, “Remember Democrats, you asked for this.”

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Tags: Ballot Initiative, Chandler Hadraba, Democrats, Jungle Primary, open primary, Prop 1, Ranked Choice Voting

5 thoughts on “Op-Ed: Time for a “Gem State Heist” of the Idaho Democrat Party

  1. Ranked choice voting is a disaster…unquestionably. I’m a hard pass on it!

    HOWEVER…I don’t want or need any libtard Dems gaslighting me in a lame attempt to paint conservatives of ANY party (or independent voters) as having been “the potential end” of the Democratic party. They’re doing it to themselves vie corruption, lying media, horrible policies, and yes…gaslighting to control and destroy our republic.

    NO on ranked choice voting…for all the “right” reasons!!!

  2. I prefer honesty, truth and transparent elections and people. Not slithering deceitful people with dishonest agendas and no values trying to turn everyone’s life upside down who usually end up in their own destruction. Vote against Ranked Choice Voting!

  3. So if a politician was actually doing a job for the majority would they need millions of dollars to get re-elected or would they need to change the election laws to help benefit them.

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