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Press Release: Idaho Granted Injunction in Nation’s First Title IX Lawsuit to Protect Women’s Opportunities in Education

By • June 16, 2024

The following press release was sent out by the Office of Attorney General Raúl Labrador. Press releases do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of those at the Idaho Dispatch.

[BOISE] – A federal judge in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana has sided with Attorney General Raúl Labrador and the attorneys general from Louisiana, Montana, and Mississippi, issuing a preliminary injunction against the new Title IX rules pushed by President Biden’s Department of Education. The new rules misinterpret Title IX’s ban on sex discrimination and would now require schools to allow students access to bathrooms and locker rooms inconsistent with their sex. The new rules were scheduled to take effect August 1st.

This preliminary injunction applies to the states of Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, and Idaho and prevents the new rules from going into effect pending further review by the district court.

“I am grateful for this first-in-the-nation injunction on the Title IX rules, and that Idaho girls and women will be protected,” said Attorney General Labrador. “The new definition of discrimination that includes gender identity would have a profound impact on the advancements Title IX has made for girls and women in our society. With a single act, the Biden Administration threatened decades of progress and opportunities for females and jeopardized their rights to safety and access within our education system. This is a tremendous victory, and we are confident we will continue to prevail in court.”

Judge Terry Doughty issued the injunction Thursday, siding with plaintiff states, agreeing that the rules are unlawful. In his ruling, Judge Doughty confirmed that the plaintiffs are likely to succeed in showing the rules violate Title IX, the First Amendment, and the Spending Clause of the U.S. Constitution.

These illegal new rules would apply burdensome requirements on nearly every school, college, and university in Idaho and across the nation. This would have deprived women and girls of the equal educational opportunities they struggled for decades to secure, and cost states billions of dollars to implement. The new rules would also violate First Amendment rights for students and teachers and could prompt Idaho school districts to lose Title IX funding, and likely face numerous lawsuits.

4 thoughts on “Press Release: Idaho Granted Injunction in Nation’s First Title IX Lawsuit to Protect Women’s Opportunities in Education

  1. What I find equally disturbing is the fact that only FOUR states were in this lawsuit! The rest of the country will have to deal with the fallout from the latest title IX rules come August.
    And, no doubt, this will just force more families to move to our state (along with the other three), just what we needed, more people in Idaho…

    1. “What I find equally disturbing is the fact that only FOUR states were in this lawsuit!”

      Spot on. It’s almost unfathomable that 46 states would let this perversion proceed with no pushback.

      “Oh, let the evil of the wicked come to an end,
      and may you establish the righteous—
      you who test the minds and hearts,
      O righteous God!
      – Psalm 7:9

  2. Glad the AG is on women’s side in this issue. And as cclem706 said, why are only 4 states blocking this? Madness.

  3. So ironic that Biden uses Title IX to support his rules when he is actually undermining it for 99.99% of women/girls. There is some hope in the judicial system and hopefully other states will follow.

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