Press Release: IDGOP Statement: Idaho Republican Party Has Restored Voters’ Right to Vote in the Presidential Contest
By Press Release • June 25, 2023The following press release was sent out by the Idaho Republican Party. Press releases do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of those at the Idaho Dispatch.
Challis, ID – June 25, 2023
Yesterday, members of the Idaho Republican State Central Committee overwhelmingly voted to choose their delegates for the Republican National Convention’s Presidential Nominating contest through a caucus system, adopting a caucus proposal at our summer meeting in Challis, Idaho.
This vote moves Idaho into the early stages of the Republican Presidential nominating fight — allowing Idaho Republicans to vote fifth in the nation and before Super Tuesday.
Commentators and political pundits expect this coming year’s race for the Republican nomination to be hotly contested, with every delegate selected playing a key role in the ultimate outcome.
Earlier this year, some elected Idahoans voted to change and then remove the presidential primary from state statute, leaving Idaho Republican voters with zero ability to vote for their preference in the 2024 Presidential contest.
Recognizing the importance of voter participation and accessibility, the State Central Committee has also passed a resolution urging the legislature to reinstate the March presidential primary. In the event that the March Presidential primary is not restored, the Idaho Republican caucus will serve as our comprehensive plan to ensure a robust Presidential selection process.
In response to the adoption of the caucus proposal, IDGOP Chairwoman Moon said,
“Now, more than ever, it’s crucial for everyday hard-working Idahoans to have a voice in determining the direction of our republic and our beloved Idaho. Under the guise of ‘innovation,’ the wealthy and powerful want to manipulate our electoral systems to rig outcomes that favor their interests. The Idaho State Republican Party’s vote this weekend is a full-on rejection of election gimmicks and a full 100% endorsement of a fair, transparent and open process.”
The Idaho Republican Party remains committed to upholding the principles that empower the citizens of Idaho to have a meaningful voice in shaping our nation’s future.
Tags: 2024 Presidential Election, 2024 Presidential Primary, Caucus, Dorothy Moon, GOP, Idaho Legislature, Idaho Republican State Central Committee, IDGOP, Republican National Convention’s Presidential Nominating contest, Super Tuesday
13 thoughts on “Press Release: IDGOP Statement: Idaho Republican Party Has Restored Voters’ Right to Vote in the Presidential Contest”
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GET RID OF risch!!!!
His desired or actual participation with the WEF is an absolute disqualifier.
I will NEVER SUPPORT risch and if the party continues to support him I will not support the party.
The only acceptable participation with WEF is the signing of their death warrants or the authorization of the bombing run.
WEF is a threat to the world and rische’s participation makes him a threat to America and our democratic republic.
Both Risch and Simpson are first class RINO’s. So glad I live in D1…
I do not support the wef or any other person or entity that chooses to have a one world govt , new world order! It’s time our representatives pick a side. The people or the others. It’s that simple! They know what I’m talking about !
Right on !! Simpson, too. Actually, at least 3 of Idaho’s 4 Reps and Sens are full-on RINOS (another way of saying TRAITORS), as is Lyin Little.). What a disappointment he is, and the sheeple signed him up for four more years! Unbelievable. WAKE UP Idaho.
Agreed , yet it seems it’s more of a selection then election! They the families the bloodlines select who they want and will bring in to power positions. Times are changing because there is only one creator in charge! So they best pick a side
This is actually an indictment of the existing GOP leadership in the Idaho State Legislature and Executive. There was a bill to amend this after they discovered the error and it was quashed by Bedke and his follow-on.
Term limits would fix those problems in the US Congress. Vote for the Convention of States as prescribed by the US Constitution in Article V. It is the only way to change our representation at the federal level. Don’t believe the lies put forth by the Con-Con people of the John Birch Society.
If we hold a convention of the states, do you really think the Constitution will be safe from radicals? I mean, there is no way to have conventions and exclude these people. Who has a better track record in political warfare? Radical Democrats + RINOS or constitution loving Americans? Shapiro, Levin, Kirk, et Al, are not going to hold back the crazies altering the constitution, so don’t open that can of worms. Terrible idea.
We need to take back power and enforce the constitution that we currently have.
I am not a member of JBS.
It’s only a vote as to whether we should have a convention at all. Then a law still needs to have a 2/3 majority vote to get voted on and then 3/4 majority vote to actually pass. It’s the only way to go around the Feds. Read Article V (it’s only a couple paragraphs). The Founders made a way for us to circumvent out of control BIG govt.
The radicals wouldn’t be part of a convention? Wouldn’t have a say in amending the constitution? You are not addressing the problem I have with tinkering with the constitution! It’s not something that’s the exclusive function of the right.
Yes we need term limits I totally agree .it’s amazing how many have had careers of 40 50 yrs ? It’s not right!
Not sure how a caucus restores anything to us voters. Now we just have a select few deciding for all of us. Since when do other people vote how we want them to? Until we get our primary back, all this is smoke and mirrors. Not impressed.
Who is fooling who? The party leaders will choose who we get to vote for, just like in China. We get to vote, the “party” will choose who we get to vote for. I guess they think we are too stupid to figure that out.