2022 Idaho Statewide Candidates for Office – Election Day – Primaries Only
By Greg Pruett • May 17, 2022The primary election is today.
Polls will be open from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. in your time zone. Remember that Idaho has two time zones, so polling doesn’t close until 8:00 p.m. whether you are in Mountain Time or Pacific Time. Additionally, results will not be given until after 9:00 p.m. MT.
There are two statewide races that are “open races.” Several statewide offices have multiple candidates for primary races while two offices do not have a race but their names have been included here so that readers do not wonder why a particular office is not listed.
Please note that this list will NOT include Congressional races.
The following list is of all candidates from any party who will be running in the primary election. Unaffiliated and Independent candidates will NOT be listed here because those candidates only run in the general election. Candidates will also not be listed if they do not yet have a primary opponent.
Candidates will be listed alphabetically by last name and by their political party until primaries are completed. Candidates’ websites and social media sites are also posted. An incumbent, if applicable, will also be noted as such. Idaho Dispatch has also posted links to interviews with candidates who have agreed to do an interview with us. We are doing our best to reach all statewide candidates for an interview.
Note: Advertising is a part of all Idaho Dispatch articles. Ads appearing in this article do NOT denote an endorsement of any candidate. The ads are placed based on the number of paragraphs in the article.
If you notice that your candidate has information available that we do not have, please send the information to in**@id***********.com.
Name: Bradshaw, Steve
Party: Republican
Website: SteveBradshawForGovernor.com
Social Media: Facebook – Gab
Interview with Idaho Dispatch: Watch here.
Name: Cannady, Ben
Party: Republican
Website: Unknown
Social Media: Unknown
Interview with Idaho Dispatch: Watch here.
Name: Humphreys, Edward
Party: Republican
Website: edforidaho.com
Social Media: Facebook – Twitter – Instagram
Interview with Idaho Dispatch: Watch here.
Name: Jackson, Ashley
Party: Republican
Website: ashleyforidaho2022.com
Social Media: Facebook – Twitter – Instagram – YouTube
Interview with Idaho Dispatch: Watch here.
Name: Little, Brad – Incumbent
Party: Republican
Website: https://www.bradlittleforidaho.com/
Social Media: Facebook – Twitter
Interview with Idaho Dispatch: Request sent.
Name: Marie, Lisa
Party: Republican
Website: Unknown
Social Media: Unknown
Interview with Idaho Dispatch: Request sent.
Name: McGeachin, Janice
Party: Republican
Website: janicemcgeachin.com
Social Media: Facebook – Twitter – YouTube
Interview with Idaho Dispatch: Watch here.
Name: Usabel, Cody
Party: Republican
Website: None.
Social Media: Facebook
Interview with Idaho Dispatch: Watch here.
Name: Heidt, Stephen
Party: Democrat
Website: heidtforgovernor.com
Social Media: Facebook – Twitter
Interview with Idaho Dispatch: Request sent.
Name: Reilly David as a Write-In
Party: Democrat
Website: davidjreilly.com
Social Media: Facebook – Twitter – Instagram
Interview with Idaho Dispatch: Request Sent
Name: Rognstad, Shelby as a Write-In
Party: Democrat
Website: ElectShelby.com
Social Media: Facebook – Twitter – Instagram
Interview with Idaho Dispatch: Request sent.
Name: Davison, Chantyrose
Party: Constitution
Website: chantyrosedavison.com
Social Media: Facebook
Interview with Idaho Dispatch: Interview pending.
Name: Dr. Cole, Ryan as Write-In
Party: Constitution
Website: Unknown
Social Media: Unknown
Interview with Idaho Dispatch: Request sent.
Name: Jr. Dionne, John
Party: Libertarian
Website: Unknown
Social Media: Unknown
Interview with Idaho Dispatch: Watch here.
Name: Sand, Paul
Party: Libertarian
Website: paulsand.com
Social Media: Facebook
Interview with Idaho Dispatch: Watch here.
Note: Former Republican candidate Chris Hammond has withdrawn from the race. Pro-Life changed from Governor to Lt. Governor for the Constitution Party of Idaho. Jeff Cotton was removed because he did not file with the SOS office, even though he had a C1 on file. Robert Dempsey was removed because he did not file with the SOS office even though he had a C1 on file.
Lieutenant Governor (Open Race)
Name: Bedke, Scott
Party: Republican
Website: BedkeforIdaho.com
Social Media: Twitter – Facebook – Instagram
Interview with Idaho Dispatch: Request sent.
Name: Giddings, Priscilla
Party: Republican
Website: GiddingsforIdaho.com
Social Media: Facebook
Interview with Idaho Dispatch: Watch here.
Note: Luke Malek has dropped out of the race.
Attorney General
Name: Labrador, Raul
Party: Republican
Website: labrador2022.com
Social Media: Facebook
Interview with Idaho Dispatch: Currently in editing.
Name: Macomber, Art
Party: Republican
Website: macomberforidaho.com
Social Media: Facebook – Twitter
Interview with Idaho Dispatch: Watch here.
Name: Wasden, Lawrence – Incumbent
Party: Republican
Website: lawrencewasden.com
Social Media: Facebook – YouTube
Interview with Idaho Dispatch: Request sent.
Note: Colton Boyles has dropped out of the race.
Secretary of State (Open Race)
Name: McGrane, Phil
Party: Republican
Website: mcgraneforidaho.com
Social Media: Facebook – Twitter
Interview with Idaho Dispatch: Watch here.
Name: Moon, Dorothy
Party: Republican
Website: dorothymoon.com
Social Media: Facebook
Interview with Idaho Dispatch: Watch here.
Name: Souza, Mary
Party: Republican
Website: marysouzaforidaho.com
Social Media: Facebook – Twitter – Instagram
Interview with Idaho Dispatch: Interview request sent.
Note: Chad Houck has dropped out of the race.
State Superintendent of Public Education
Name: Critchfield, Deborah
Party: Republican
Website: debbie4idaho.com/
Social Media: Twitter – Facebook – Instagram
Interview with Idaho Dispatch: Watch here.
Name: Durst, Branden
Party: Republican
Website: durstforidaho.com
Social Media: Facebook – Twitter
Interview with Idaho Dispatch: Watch here.
Name: Ybarra, Sherri – Incumbent
Party: Republican
Website: sherriybarra.com
Social Media: Facebook
Interview with Idaho Dispatch: Interview request sent.
Note: Jeff Dillon is not running and his C1 was only on file because of a filing from the last election cycle.
Name: Ellsworth, Julie – Incumbent
Party: Republican
Website: ellsworthfortreasurer.com
Social Media: Facebook – Twitter
Interview with Idaho Dispatch: Interview request not yet sent.
Name: Woolf, Brandon – Incumbent
Party: Republican
Website: brandonwoolf.com
Social Media: Facebook – Twitter
Interview with Idaho Dispatch: Interview request not yet sent.
Tags: 2022 Idaho Primary Election, Election, Primary Election